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require the best surgeon


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Hi everyone.


I am new to this site and impressed by the amount of information, but can be confusing.


I have been loosing hair since i was nineteen ( i am now 32), but have started recently noticing it more. I live in the UK. I hear many horror stories and therefore it is important I carry out my research carefully.


I would basically like suggestions on who is the best surgeon to carry out a hair transplant. I can travel abroad if needed and price will not affect my decision.


Look forward to any advice.

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  • Senior Member

Figo, browse around the postings on this forum, and you might come across results from some doctors that you like more than others.


I believe a lot of UK patients do surgeries with Feller (New York) and at the Shapiro Medical Group (Minnesota). I am sure there are some great doctors in North America and in Europe that you might like.


What is "best" is highly subjective since different people might like different types of results outcomes. So the best option to find the "best" surgeon will be to browse through the patients results weblogs for each doctor.

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  • Senior Member

It's really good to not let price or geography play a major role in your decision. Really dig into the results posted by clinics and patients in the respective sections on this forum, as well as general research into individual clinics, on top of doing consultations (live or online) and getting a feel for what exact surgical plan is going to be executed on you.


Being in the UK, you should certainly scope out the Farjo clinic (I believe they are in Manchester, but I could be wrong on that).


Lot of UK guys travel, though, just given the fact that the UK is really home to but one premier clinic.


To add to the names already mentioned, in Canada you have Hasson&Wong, who you should certainly consult with. In Europe you also have DevRoye, who does FUE (which you may or may not be interested in). Feller and SMG do quality FUE, too.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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thanks guys- i will start looking into those clinics discussed.


I really value the advice which is given.


My wife says no one can notice that i am loosing hair, because i have thick black hair which covers it. But i especially notice it after it gets wet and I know it will get worse in the future. I can understand why some people really get depressed about it.

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