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Stupid me for getting off the Meds, and Hair Systems can damage what Im trying 2 save

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Dear readers... just looking for a place to vent. I know I cant turn back the clock but I feel so STUPID for having ever gotten off meds to prevent hair loss. What did I think I was invicible 7 years ago, having managed to get thru my 20s and 30s in acceptable shape.

Now that my career on stage and on camera is finally taking off, my crown has almost vanished completely, and most of my donor hair is now sitting in the front in a straight very nice hairline... F*ck why did I ever get off the drugs? Cause I was afraid I'd become impotent!!! But if after 7 years of taking it I was still able to perform, why the heck did I ever get off?


Been on hair system for 4 months - not liking it. Debating to continue or not. But I've read how the adhseive CAN damage possibly permanently the follicles. And well, the area Im attaching to are the areas that Im either trying to save or that I had transplanted. Sounds to me like this is not a good plan.


Seems to me that I need to get on Fin or Dut ASAP, do my laxity exercises, and get whatever grafts I can have put back in the vertex to at least even out the appearance. I know some people concentrate in getting the front done but to me, an opening in the back just kills it. I'd rather dermmatch it on days I dont wear hats.


Praying for a miracle thru getting back on meds and another surgery.

A bit dissappointed about the dangers of the hair system... when its on, I look spectacular. :(

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