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Hair restoration surgeons in sourthern california!


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Hi everyone,


Been suffering from hair loss for years but have been controlling it with propecia and rogain....I'm 43 now and I've gotten thin enough to get a hair transplant....I've researched couple of doctors here in LA area and my list is down to dr ziering (Newport beach) and dr pak (new hair institute in LA). Please give me as much feedback as you can on both or either so I can finally suck it up and make a surgery appointment!


Thank u all in advance,



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As I recently stayed local (in my case, Southern Cal) for my procedure and we are about the same age, I'll offer a few suggestions: first, search this site, you'll find plenty of comments on Ziering, his practice and related docs. Ditto with Pak, although not as much. Have you conducted consults with both and/or others? Have you narrowed things down to FUE/FUT based on your comfort level, current condition, desired outcome, etc?


I did several in-person consultations and a few more online, with clinics in the U.S. as well as overseas. And I received a fairly wide variety of recommended approaches. After determining FUE was the best route for myself personally, I further narrowed things down with graft count recommendations, which in some cases ranged between 2,500 and 4,500 suggested grafts. Knowing what I wanted to achieve (which was a real potential for meaningful transition in appearance, particularly at the hairline) and considering a few other factors such as donor capacity (mine was very good), I opted for a more aggressive (and hopefully life-altering) approach.


Not here to pitch anyone in particular, but if you are still open and searching, while determined to stay local, I recently wrote up a thread on here about my experience with a clinic in Redondo Beach.


Hopefully those with specific experiences with the clinics you mentioned will chime in. Cheers and let us know what you decide.

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Hi Tav1,


Thanks for your reply. I read your initial post and kudos to you and your stamina for writing to that detail and withstanding 3 days of FUE!


As for me I've decided for the strip method since it takes less time and you seem to get the biggest bang for your buck in one session (I'm shooting for 2500-3000 depending on what comes out of the strip). I'm not planning on wearing my hair super short and I generally scar well so I'm thinking/hoping that the back scar is a non-issue.


As for the two doctors that I mentioned (Pak/Rassman vs ziering), I researched the site on both and didn't find anything negative on either one's work quality except for some personality problems with ziering and staff (which I kind of understand by being there once!). However, I've had a couple of friends use him and they were really happy with the work. Pak/Rassman are great personality/character team and have been doing this for a long time but they're not nearly as busy as Ziering and I'm not sure why?!!!


If you found anything on these two guys during your research, please fill me in via here or private message (if it's possible on here). Also I may pay your doctor a visit as well since you chose him and you seem to have done your homework!


Please interject on any of the above.


Thank you again,

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go over seas. cheaper and better. just a plane ticket and a passport.


I'd be interested to know Busa, as I've read many of the posts on this forum, including a recent one where you stated you've been active on hair loss forums for 15 years, which I'd have to imagine means you've been through this transplantation and have great experience. But I'm having difficulty finding anything here that you've posted documenting any overseas surgery you've had, your direct experience with any clinics, or the results you've achieved.


Could you point me towards any of those threads? I'd be interested to read your first-hand experience and results, combined with your 15 years of experience, as it seems you comment quite often.



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I'd be interested to know Busa, as I've read many of the posts on this forum, including a recent one where you stated you've been active on hair loss forums for 15 years, which I'd have to imagine means you've been through this transplantation and have great experience. But I'm having difficulty finding anything here that you've posted documenting any overseas surgery you've had, your direct experience with any clinics, or the results you've achieved.


Could you point me towards any of those threads? I'd be interested to read your first-hand experience and results, combined with your 15 years of experience, as it seems you comment quite often.



lmao.... its called common sense. ur BEST hair transplant surgeons are in Europe. if u can't figure that out on ur own then do a little more research! :rolleyes:


been researching HT doctors for yes 15 years now. some come and go and other stick around. No I cud not afford a HT many years ago wen I wanted one cause I refuse to be scalped by a FUT procedure and only wanted FUE so yes I hav done my research, been to many seminars and spokn with many doctors and patients over the years to ensure I don't make a bad decision and have been a member here as well as hair site for many years doing more research. u only have limited donor supply. fuk it up by going to some clown and ull be screwed for life!


that research has proven that Europe is the best place to go if u need a lot of grafts and u want the best work to be performed.


so you need to have had a HT in order to know who the best HT doctors are? so I wud hav had to hav had a HT by all the top HT doctors in Europe in order to know where to go for the best and cheapest HT doctor? see how stupid ur starting to sound.....

Edited by BUSA
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OK busa - calm down there dude. You're the best informed non-experienced hair transplant non-patient in the history of the interweb. Congrats. Don't stick yourself too hard pinning that merit badge on your chest. I'd say it will hurt worse than the initial FUE injections, but you wouldn't actually know what I'm taking about. That said, I wish you the best of luck once you apply all of your years of research towards actual reality.

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