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Were your guys' scalps smooth as soon as the crusts fell off or no?

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  • Senior Member

I'm about 17 days post-op from a 2,075 FUE and my crusts fell off last week. I had a thicker amount of crust at the front of the hairline. Question, were your guys' scalps smooth once the crusts fell off? I have what seems to be some minor bumps/different texture from pre-op in the temples (and of course the redness and numbness) where the heavier crusting was. I had Konior look at it today and he wasn't concerned and said it was normal healing. Just curious how long it took for that area to go back to the smooth texture of how it was pre-op? A lot of my hairs (especially in the temples) just started shedding the last day or two so I just noticed it more now.

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  • Senior Member

Mine looked normal in about six weeks. I had no temple work though. I'm sure it is all part of healing. You just had a bunch of holes punched there. If you get a scratch, the area is a bit swollen around the wound for a bit.

Dr.Gabel 3972 FUT 11/3/14

Progress/Results Below ;)


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The crusting on my head lasted about as long as yours, maybe longer. I'd say 25% of the grafts shed when massaging the crusts away, then over the following weeks the rest shed. Leading me to where I am today at 2 months, looking terrible.


But to answer your question, no my scalp wasn't smooth when the crusts fell off- I still had a decent amount of spiky grafts left in place. It worried me initially and I contacted my clinic as I just wanted to progress to the next stage and wondered what was going on. I'd say there's a lot of variation and either result is relatively normal.

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