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How to 'undo' a FUE transplant?

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Hey guys,


I got 1600 FUE grafts to my hairline when I was 24. Not even 3 years later now I very much regret doing it at that age. I have a large forehead and a high, V-shaped hairline I was self-conscious about. My hairline had matured kind of early and I would be teasingly called dracula or told I look like a vampire. I didn't have thick skin back then whereas now I'd laugh it off.


Since the surgery, I haven't lost any natural hair at. However the grafts just seem very unnatural and pluggy to me, and pushing the hair to the left, right, or parting it in the middle is out of the question. It has to be a forward, somewhat pushed up style all the time to make it not obvious. I think it's because my hair is very wavy, which didn't help. The first year it was pretty good then afterward lost much of its former density for some reason despite me always taking vitamin supplements and using organic shampoo/conditioner with no sulfates and all that. Again, my natural hair has stayed the same.


Recently I shaved the grafted hairs off to see what I'd look like without them, and I just thought to myself "Man what were you thinking? You would've looked completely normal without the trouble.." I was working abroad at the time and was absolutely miserable in my environment, calling my family and friends back home every day. As someone who already wasn't very self-confident, at the time I just made a rash decision.


Nobody in my close family is bald. My dad in his old age has a similar hairline to my original one and just some thinning around the back and crown.


So I'm considering two options:


1) One is to schedule a FUE procedure with the same surgeon to just remove the vast majority of the hairline grafts (but not 100%, the areas in the temples blend in way better) on the condition that he can do it without scarring.


2) The second is to schedule a FUE procedure in which the removed grafts are placed either back in the donor area or a little higher up in the crown just so they won't go to waste (my crown is fine it's just when I wear hats then take them off or wake up in the morning you can see some skin. then after taking a shower or wetting it down it disappears completely under the hair again, just the nature of it being wavy/oily I guess).


I'm leaning toward option one, hoping the surgeon will do it without charge in that case as well. Do any of you have experience with any of this? Would really appreciate any input, advice, experience, etc. for someone who just wants to be free of ever even thinking of anything HT-related after this is taken care of. Thanks.

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