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Hi all,



Brand new member here. New to the idea of hair transplants.

My pictures are taken in some pretty harsh light, so I don’t find them all that flattering but better to err on the side of caution.



My story is one of male pattern baldness going back maybe 10 years. I’ve done nothing about it except shave my head. Grew it out a bit for the pictures :)


I’m thinking of FUE in Europe, due to the UK seeming to me to be a total rip off. So far from what Ive read if I am viable I’d be thinking of Turkey or Poland. But that’s just at a cursory look.



Money is finite and I’d need to get most bang for my buck, but also of course quality is important.

My hair is quite fine, mousy blonde, my father is totally bald and I’d like to guard against and re-enforce what I have with transplants as well as replace where it’s totally lost if possible… but I cant afford lots of ongoing or expensive lotions and potions.




I’d like thicker hair on the top please :) …and to re-install a hairline. I don’t mind something of a receding look , so I’m not expecting ‘baby gorilla’

I have a couple of questions if I may for the veterans and more experienced than myself.



What do you think realistic expectations should be ?



I read somewhere on here that in Turkey its priced at 1 euro per hair is that the case?...roughly?. So I could maybe get around 3156.65 hairs transplanted for my 3,000 pounds (2,500 at current exchange rate- including travel) maybe 3,500 if I go Easyjet. What kind of area will this cover ? Realistically to get a decent result how many do you think I would need ?...Feel free to be honest, if I need 6,000 or more its best I know.



*Who are some recommended surgeons please?



Can anyone point me to examples similar to mine?



What is the state of play with ongoing/future hair loss….Would I realistically be committing myself to ongoing treatments ? …every several years ? Is it possible in some way to work back to front literally and avoid that..if you get me?

(I understand new transplanted hair is immune to testosterone and future male pattern baldness)



What is the scalp like afterwards once everything has settled ? I worry that if I didn’t get a good result I wouldn’t be able to shave my head because of scars, pock marking ect. In either the donor or recipient sites.



Lots of questions I know, No need to answer them all. I'd be really grateful for any advice or information. This is kind of a big deal for me. I’m going to browse around and see if I can find my own answers but any help from those with more experience gratefully received. No need to sugar coat it :)




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  • Regular Member

Also after a little more reseach can anyone tell me about the difference if any in cost of 1 hair Vs 2 and 3 hair transplants? I like the work of Dr Radha Palakurthi in India and she seems to use that method a lot, mostly single, lots of double and some tripple hair transplants....Is this common practice ?

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