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Regaine & Nanogen fibres advice

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hi, just needed some advice in regards to both together


im gong to start regaine in december,


how would i use both together, could i only use regaine once a day if o what dosage??


i was planning on using regine before bed, then wash off, and apply the fibres if needded for a particular day, the fibres wouldnt be a everyday thing


but in them days where i use both i hope to use the fibres from the morning then wash off at nigh and apply minox


can the be applied together if i wnated to use minox 2wice a day as normal?



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You can use minoxidil and a concealer at the same time. I used minoxidil and Toppik. I would put the minoxidil on first and let it dry then apply your concealer. I have only used Toppik so I cant say about others. I was amazed how well it stayed on the hair and only came off with soap generally. Good stuff in my opinion. Gave me about 5 extra years before my HT.

Dr.Gabel 3972 FUT 11/3/14

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You can use minoxidil and a concealer at the same time. I used minoxidil and Toppik. I would put the minoxidil on first and let it dry then apply your concealer. I have only used Toppik so I cant say about others. I was amazed how well it stayed on the hair and only came off with soap generally. Good stuff in my opinion. Gave me about 5 extra years before my HT.


Squatch - did you notice that Toppik or other concealers were hard on your follicles? I used it a few times and it seems like I lost more hair in the immediate area within just a few days after application. I would like to have tried it more, but I think between Rogaine and trying the concealer, my hair loss seemed to accelerate in the 2 years leading up to my HT. It could have just been my physiology timing and severe losses of hair matched up with my attempt at the products.

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When I was on Dermatch and hair fibers, I took two showers a day so that I could apply minoxidil twice a day. That meant reapplying the hair concealers every day.


As far as having these products affect hair loss, during the two years I used Dermatch and Nanogen hair fibers, my norwood level remained the same.


Actually I was concerned that I would see hair loss due to painting all that Dermatch on day after day, perhaps not giving the scalp enough oxygen to maintain my hair level. But I never saw any further balding so I continued.

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  • Senior Member
Squatch - did you notice that Toppik or other concealers were hard on your follicles? I used it a few times and it seems like I lost more hair in the immediate area within just a few days after application. I would like to have tried it more, but I think between Rogaine and trying the concealer, my hair loss seemed to accelerate in the 2 years leading up to my HT. It could have just been my physiology timing and severe losses of hair matched up with my attempt at the products.

No I didn't notice Toppik being hard on my hair. I did notice increased shedding when I would start using Rogaine again. I was not very faithful using it. I should have not have stopped and started it so much in the past.

Dr.Gabel 3972 FUT 11/3/14

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I've tried it in the past - not harsh. Just have to let the minoxidil dry then apply the concealer. It worked well for me. I'm not using concealer now, but it worked well when I needed it.

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