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DHT Clinic - reviews? Feedback?

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Hey guys..


first post...


first things first... i cant afford to get a HT in london or UK.. soo my next best thing is too look elsewhere cheaper..


im not looking for lack of quality... or doing just for the price.. obviously so many people around the world are going abroard for cheaper treatment, i assume that its pretty even around the world now?


anyway - all my research has pointed me to DHT clinic thailand... Dr path seems to have great feedbaclk.... and a member of the coalition which seems to mean hes very good...



so if anyone whos an expert been with him.. can give me some advice, id say im a norwood 3 vertex 27... so now at the time id too sort this out, would never expect miracles, but still have hair on my head an believe im still a case to be saved. lol


any help guys massively appreciated.



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Dr. Pathomvanich is a well-respected surgeon with a lot of good results behind him but it's the consistency or rather that of the techs and assistant doctors that could be an issue. There are rumours that he only excises the strip and does the closure while the techs and his co-surgeon do the implantations.


Check out results for former patients wb280, jason5 and akuma.


If you can get 100% assurances that you'll get a Pathomvanich transplant, I'd book without hesitation. The guy's a legend.


If you end up getting a tech/co-surgeon transplant, do yourself a favour and save yourself a LOT of anguish - keep looking.

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thanks for the reply.


iv'e noticed they only really specialise in the strip method, and to be honest, id only consider FUE - so speaking to a member on here, who's been with DR koray


im very much thinking ill go with him - looking at about 5-6k. for about 2500 grafts which is alot cheaper than here, and hearing he's a top notch DR, his results look very impressive.



whats your view on him may i ask?


Especially for FUE.


also with FUE i believe you can always use the strip method later on if needed, too - i know ill need two surgeries to get it perfect, but one will help massively.

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well going on the quality of his work - and how respected he is... im sure he is a similar london Dr would prob set me back around 10k...


and im sure hes even as good to be honest.


maybe im wrong - as im new, if anyone has any imput or advice please feel free to let me know?


ive just heard really good things from this guy i can afford 6k. and that seems a decent price, with the results he gets...


why do you think its better to stay here?

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Hi I just had my surgery done yesterday and I can confirm that Dr Path did not transplant all my grafts (if any).... I had some sleeping pills so was knocked out for most of the 7 hours.


That being said, I would be curious how many surgeons would be able to perform a seven hour laborious surgery like this and not result in a degradation of quality... hence is it so bad if Co surgeons assisted? I believe that during my seven hours there were different people operating me ( presumably to give people a break)... which in my mind should be better for quality (though results remain to be seen I agree)


I had to have a duel fut/ fue procedure since my initial strip didn't garner enough and for both Dr Path did the excise but not transplant. 2300 grafts about $ AUD 5k thereabouts.


Once again I'll confirm once the bandages are off and I can see the results but my research suggests you should do a fut before doing a fue.. The reason being that if you do a fue first you decrease the viable hair density of donor areas so that in the future you would need a larger strip for a similar yield. As for scarring... (once again can't tell yet) but the incisions Dr Path made were around existing follicles so that the scar would be barely noticeable upon healing.


Best of luck mate, feel free to ask if you got more questions

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Hi I just had my surgery done yesterday and I can confirm that Dr Path did not transplant all my grafts (if any).... I had some sleeping pills so was knocked out for most of the 7 hours.


That being said, I would be curious how many surgeons would be able to perform a seven hour laborious surgery like this and not result in a degradation of quality... hence is it so bad if Co surgeons assisted? I believe that during my seven hours there were different people operating me ( presumably to give people a break)... which in my mind should be better for quality (though results remain to be seen I agree)


I had to have a duel fut/ fue procedure since my initial strip didn't garner enough and for both Dr Path did the excise but not transplant. 2300 grafts about $ AUD 5k thereabouts.




In my view, several hours of implantation/supervision shouldn't put that much of a strain on a surgeon who's passionate and committed to making sure his/her patient comes out with a killer result.


That being said, I fully accept that techs are part of the process. They are there to - in the case of strip procedures - dissect the follicular units and assist with implantation of those FUs into slits made by the surgeon under his close supervision.


You can't have doctors wandering off and leaving techs to conduct so crucial a procedure without appropriate oversight.


Techs and co-surgeons should NOT be making recipient slits or implanting FUs without the lead surgeon - the one recommended by the HRN site - being present.


I'm sure that your result will be good but not as sure as I would be if you'd said that Dr. Path had made the incisions and overseen the implantations.

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