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I'm expecting big things from finasteride in the next 5 months


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I'm 23, starting noticing my hair was thinning around the hairline 2 years ago.


I read a lot on line, not just forums but peer-reviewed articles, since my interest is in medicine, in which I hope to pursue a career. So I was well educated about fin, how it works, it's side effects, efficacy, etc.


7 months after starting my hair is in terrible shape. My hairline before starting treatment Could still be moved around easily, without the hair loss being evident.


So now?

My hairline has receded I would say nearly awhile norwood point, in a thinning patter, additionally, my hair rises here has thinned to an unmanageable consistency.


Side effects? Now if anyone tries to say that these are psychological you are ignorant. I'm very cognisant of my psychological and physical state and have been for years. I'm an abide user of nootropics and know what subtle to extreme changes in cognition feel like,

So far my side effects have been; puffy nipples. Loss of maximal strength (gym), tendency toward abdominal fat gain, slowed/disconnected cognition, loss of motivation, easy to fatigue, watery semen, decreased erection quality, decreased libido.


I just hope this crap is worth the wait.


I'll be switching to RU next year.

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Alright fin does appear to be working. It's not what I expected though.


Pretty much my hairline has receded a fair bit at the temples. It seems all my hair count looks like it's increased, or at least all the white, dying hairs have returned to a healthier state. However the weird thing is my hair quality all over had declined. Hair all over is drier and thinner than pre finasteride.


Given this, coupled with my fatigue symptoms, I believe I may have hypothyroidism, or at least subclinical hypothyroidism.


Got blood tests done a few days ago, will update with results.


It appears hairloss can be both a side effect of hypothyroidism and the medication they use to treat it. So I'll have to wait and see at this stage.


MPB is probably confounded by thyroid problems, so I need this taken care of

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