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Some hairs in my recipient areas came out while brushing scabs?

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  • Senior Member

I'm 2 weeks post op and most of the scabs on my recipient areas are really loose and ready to fall out. I lightly brushed over these areas with my fingers and most of the scabs fell out immediately. Some others were not too loose, yet but I was able to get them to fall out as well. While I was doing this, I noticed that a group of about 4 or 5 hairs fell out of my head. They were all attached to one big scab and I noticed that the roots or bulbs of these hairs came out too? Since there was no bleeding, that means that the follicles are still there right? I'm not an expert on hair...so is the clear part on the end of each hair just the root or bulb of the hair shaft not the follicle yes?


I will go see Dr. Meshkin tomorrow and I'm sure he will be cleaning out all the remaining scabs.

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  • Senior Member

Yeah, just today I went to see Dr. Meshkin for my 2 week post op. He actually ran a metal comb through my scalp to knock out all the scabs. That was when he told me that I don't need to baby the hair anymore and that the follicles are secured now. He even told me that I can wear hats and beanies to cover it up while I'm at work.

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