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Starting Finasteride Again and Worried


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My 1st post on this wonderful forum !


I have been a sufferer from hair loss since my mid twenties (25 to be precise). During the initial years of hair shedding, I had used finpecia 1mg (Finasteride) for approximately 8 months. The results were satisfactory and I quit using it after that. I was unaware of its side effects and thankfully I did not experience any side effects either.


Post my 30's I have been observing a steady deterioration of my hair line. The hair have become thinner and I have started losing hair both at the front and on the vertex as well.


I am planning to restart Finasteride capsules again. But now having read so many side effects, I am feeling a little hesitant. Have their been cases where someone who has initially not faced any side effects may have such side effects later ?


I am 33 years now and there has been a gap of 8 years. Can I be a contender for side effects because age is not by my side as it was 8 years ago?


Best Regards,




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  • Senior Member

Hello. Welcome.


Some will tell you to avoid it & others swear by it that it helps. I've been using propecia for a number of years. What I can suggest is you starting on a low dosage. For example a quarter of a tablet daily to see how you go. I don't experience any ED / libido issues but everyone is different. You're a candidate for a HT too.

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Hello. Welcome.


Some will tell you to avoid it & others swear by it that it helps. I've been using propecia for a number of years. What I can suggest is you starting on a low dosage. For example a quarter of a tablet daily to see how you go. I don't experience any ED / libido issues but everyone is different. You're a candidate for a HT too.


Hey Thanks,


Sounds logical to me. I am presently on a multi vitamin regime along with 10 % Minoxidil solution. I am planning to start finasteride if the results don't appear in 4-5 months.


Regarding HT, I am a little confused. I feel I am somewhere stuck in between. I have curly hair and they more or less compensate for the lack of hair density. I look balding in short hair (as you can see in the picture), but with longer hair, the baldness is not too obvious.





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