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Pre-mature graying hair

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Dear all,

I know this is a forum for hair restoration. But I am unable to find another place which would cater to my topic. Hence I thought it best to write here.


I am having a increasing graying of hair. first noticed 5-6 years ago. Now I am 33 and the graying is very obvious and I have to color my hair every 2 weeks. On the whole otherwise my hair is very healthy and thick and jet black (the rest of what is left). Hence, makes the situation even more obvious.




Kindly help out if u know of any solutions for my problem. Looking forward to hearing from you.


Thank you.


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  • Senior Member



Welcome! Unfortunately, there is no permanent solution to graying hair. When we turn gray is based on our genetics. This runs in my family. I began to see the first signs of gray in my mid twenties. My nephew is in his late twenties and also has a number of grays.


At present, coloring is the only solution.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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