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Does PRP Minimize Strip Scar?

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  • Regular Member

I am looking into getting PRP injections done to diminish my strip scar before I get FUE to cover it up. I have heard that PRP can help to get rid of scars and am wondering how much success people have had with having it done on strip scars? Could really use some help here as I'm just in the beginning stages of my research. Thanks everyone!

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  • Regular Member

Hey guys, could use some insight here. I'm looking into having PRP injections done to minimize my strip scar. Has anyone had this done or have seen or heard any feedback on it?

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  • Senior Member

Hi Hank,


PRP has only been proven to improve damaged tissue in athletes and such. However, there is not enough evidence to conclude that PRP helps with hair or scarring. Go to ISHRS.org and type in PRP in their search box. You'll get a great article about PRP...it's benefits and hype.


I would only use PRP if the doctor is throwing it in free during a hair transplant. I would not pay $2-3k for something that is not proven and that doctors have you sign a disclaimer saying it's worked on some patients but not guaranteed to work on you.


Patient beware!


The two ways to reduce a strip scar is a scar revision and/or transplanting FUE grafts on it.

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