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$82,000 in HT costs


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I just saw a TV show on the Life network about a Toronto area sportscaster John Gallagher that has spend $82,000 on HT procedures. You might remember him from a 20/20 piece done in 1992. I think he had scalp reductions done before and his final HT was with Dr. Unger I think.


He started naming some guys that had work done in it,like the obvious Nic Cage, Billy Crystal, Michael Keaton, but John Roberts from CBS news was a new one.


Just some info.

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I just saw a TV show on the Life network about a Toronto area sportscaster John Gallagher that has spend $82,000 on HT procedures. You might remember him from a 20/20 piece done in 1992. I think he had scalp reductions done before and his final HT was with Dr. Unger I think.


He started naming some guys that had work done in it,like the obvious Nic Cage, Billy Crystal, Michael Keaton, but John Roberts from CBS news was a new one.


Just some info.

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