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Dr. Doganay US Patients?

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After 4 years of suffering Hair Loss and money savings I've finally decided that it's time for my first HT. I'm from Mexico so my first options were in US, but prices are ludicrous so I started to look in Belgium and finally landed my options in Turkey. Erdogan / Doganay. I have read many posts stating the preference of Erdogan over Doganay, but I think that both have wonderful results and the price is almost half with Doganay so I'm heading to that way.


I have contacted Doganay and after some emailing I'm at the edge of my decision. I'd like to contact some US patients to ask them about their travel and preparation pre operative most of all. I was asked to make a deposit to their account but it seems the account is in the name of Doctor Kolac and I would like to confirm that this is correct.


Well, I will appreciate your inputs here.

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I would be very hesitant to wire money internationally. I am still grappling after 4 months with a well respected European Clinic who initially couldn't find my deposit and then after having my bank provide irrefutable evidence that it was deposited correctly have still not received a refund despite their claim that it was wired 3 weeks ago.


In the future I would only make a deposit with either a credit card or PayPal. Wires can be risky and the banks will not go out of their way to help you should there be a problem. Keep in mind that if the recipient is either careless or less than honest you will have no recourse in recovering your money.

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Thank you hairweare, that's what worries me indeed.



Oh yes damers84. Actually Muslim gave me both options. Either proof of my flight or the $300 euros in advance and I haven't forgotten I don't know why.


I've read you had 3200 graft, that's a 2 days procedure right? Would you mind sharing your journey with me? you had to arrive a day earlier I suppose and then were 2 consecutive days of operation and had to stay there how many more days? You have to go with a buzz or it's not relevant? After the procedure how many days do you have to wait to buzz it again? I'm glad I work from home so almost nobody get to see me probably, I can stay hidden a little bit.

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Surgery was booked on the Monday but I and my partner arrived on the Saturday so we could chill out before op.


We got picked up from airport and taken to hotel they made sure we had some food for the night and arranged to pick us up Monday at 8.30 am, blue garden hotel.


Picked up on Monday and was taken to our hospital room (very clean and new) were we waited for about 10 mins, went down to the ground floor to meet Dr Hakan I was told I didn’t have enough donor hairs for 4500 grafts was a bit gutted at this point Dr Hakan explained to me I didn’t have to have the surgery and the rest of our stayed would be all paid for.

I asked what’s the max I could get he estimated about 3000 that’s without any beard hair so I explained I will go for it and for him to use the beard hair if needed.

My head was already shaved down to a 3 on top and 2 back and sides but this didn’t matter the they shaved me all over to a 1 and the donor area a zero, I know I looked strange because my girlfriend kept laughing.

Surgery started about 9.30am ish and they went straight to work there was about 6 nurses in the room and Dr Hakan would come in now and again I felt this was at the important parts implanting / hair line / beard etc.

There was a lot going on I must say the most uncomfortable part was lying face down for such a long period as I suffer from back pain.


The operation was all finished about 8pm with no breaks I was very worn out but I am glad it was done this way I didn’t want to go through it all again and now I could just relax.

They kept us in the hospital that night and brought up some drinks and snacks but I also sent my girlfriend down to get a meal down the cafe didn’t like the hospital meal that was delivered.

They also gave me some pain killers, the next day went down to remove bandage and have wash, was given loads of lotions and tablets and they checked I was satisfied with operation.

We was taken back to our hotel our flight was going out on Wednesday afternoon.

I stayed in the room with the air con on and rubbing cold coke cans on my head watching movies for 2 days we kept ordering room service this was ideal for me as I didn’t want to be seen and didn’t like wearing my hat because it made me sweat loads, plus it was also way to hot out.

The next day I washed my hair very gently as instructed but I couldn’t get the cream out and started freaking out thinking this would cause problems with my scalp and it looked like loads of follicle’s were coming out so I rang the doctor and they came straight out to the hotel there was nothing wrong it’s were the cream started to dry up on my head even Dr Hakan came out which I was very surprised about they reassured me everything was ok and sat with me for a bit this would never happen in Harley street they would just say you have to book an appointment.

So we got picked up from the hotel on Wednesday evening and dropped to the airport if you’re wearing a hat make sure it’s of at customs I had mine on and the security guard decided to just rip it off my head luckily he didn’t do any damage but it’s not worth the risk no one takes any notice anyway there to busy trying to get through its complete chaos once through security we had a little look around the shops and found some quiet and cool to sit while waiting for plane.

On the plane we had the extra leg room seats which is definitely worth it plus there only 2 seats so don’t have to worry about someone being next to you.

The whole experience was good a bit scary at times when I was working around with 9000 euros in my bag. I would defiantly go back if I needed more later maybe use some body hair.

Plus I saved some money on the beard hair something like 100 euros happy days.

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