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Shock Loss and Concealers

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Hey All,


So I had a consultation with Dr. William Lindsey about two weeks ago, and am on the verge of calling him to set up the date for a transplant. During the visit, we discussed that 2800 grafts densely packed would create a new hairline and a thick mid-section via FUT. This would also leave enough donor area for a second procedure to address the rest of the mid-section to just about the top of my crown. I'm confident that my final result will be extremely pleasing and am happy I will be in the hands of such a talented doctor. I'm reaching out to everyone to try to get some first hand experience of the dreaded....shock loss.


I'm really worried about it for a couple of reasons. I've got extremely thin hair that I've neglected for about three years, and relayed solely on the Toppik concealer to cover up. From age 22 to age 26 I was an avid minoxidill user, with great results...even regrew some hair at first. Then when I discovered Toppik, I got complacent with my hair regime to the point where from age 26 to 29...I didn't use anything. My fault and now I have paid the price for it. Hence why surgery is the option now. Dr. Lindsey stated that I would have a tremendous amount of shock loss in the recipient region and my worry is that I would look like a cue ball if this happened. I've got pretty diffuse thinning and am on the Norwood V or VI scale. I have enough native hair where I can still conceal it very well with toppik and it still looks full and thick....with the exception of the hairline...that takes a LONG time to get right, but I can still manage it.


So my question is to they who have dealt with this beast. How bad can shock loss get? Can it make you completely bald in that area? Like shiny bald? Does Propecia/Rogaine combo assist and saving the native hairs? I've heard varying reports on when it sets in, when can you usually expect that? Has anyone used toppik to help with shock loss? Also what are some of the excuses people have used to explain when it happens to co-workers or family when they ask?


Any input would be great folks.


Thank you and happy growing to all

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If you're referring to the actual scalp, then propecia can help and some nanogen but this should only be used a few weeks post surgery & be confirmed by your surgeon that it's okay.

Maybe even toppik or derm but I've never used them so can't comment.


If you're referring to the sides & back of the head where the scar will be, then you can use the nanogen pencil like I do each morning to conceal the shock loss I currently have. Without it there is a big patch of hair missing that you can easily see.

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