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Noticed that there was not a members intro thread on this forum. Usually there is a tab just to introduce yourself.


In any case just wanted to start of by saying this is an impressive forum for support and education.


I'll continue to skim through the different threads for more info but a person like myself who has battled with hair loss for 10 years I'm finally in a place financially where I can consider a HT. From my days of Propecia to a more conservative approach with Minoxidil based shampoos I think the time has come to really consider the transplant approach.


I have a supportive partner who is not troubled by aggressive receding hairline. It is more a matter of self-esteem and working in the media industry here in Toronto.


My main concern is since I'm approaching 27 years I'm still on the younger side of the age spectrum. I would be devastated to commit to a FUE treatment if it's too early.


Dr. Rahal seems like the closest and best choice atm. Any suggestions and support is greatly appreciated.

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I'm glad that you've found our community helpful. Dr. Rahal is an amazing physician. I highly recommend consulting with him.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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