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UK HT Surgeons

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Hi All,


I'm currently 10 days post op from a two day 2500 graft FUE session in the UK.


I was very happy with how I was cared for at the clinic, post op care/ instructions and I would say I've been very lucky at how I've recovered. Better than I expected in all honesty, although I did follow all the medications and copper peptide sprays to the book which may have helped, along with the care from the surgeon with extraction and placing.


I thought I'd done a lot of research pre op but my 10 days stuck in doors has mainly been spent caring for my new improved head of hair and reading forums!


One thing I have noticed is a strong loyalty/respect towards a select few surgeons across Europe. This has set the nerves running a bit for me as I didn't go with one of them and I'd not really sensed this prior to my surgery, however had i not spent this week reading online I wouldn't be any wiser!


I'm happy to use this thread to post my pics across the weeks and months pass, although I'm now a tad apprehensive of being told the work is awful as it's not a well recognised name.

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Just because a surgeons name does not pop up on a particular forum does not mean he/she doesn't do good work - every forum is different.


Who was your surgeon?

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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