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Drugs for thining around sides and back


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  • Regular Member

Hi All,


I am a diffuse thinner and had a FUT. (Hate that doctor who insisted to have FUT instead of FUE). Now I am scared because scar is really visible, since I am thinning around sides and back. Wanted to know if drugs like Propecia and Minox will work for hairs on sides and back. If not regrowth, at least I want to retain the hairs that I have. This might help me to grow the hairs and cover the scar. I am 28 now. And NW6/7 .



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A lot people thin on the sides and back as well, besides the top and crown due to retrograde alopecia. For some reason the thinning became more prominent after my FUT. I do not think many patients are aware of this before committing to FUT. I am not sure how bad it will get over time due to further thinning.


In my case I cannot say propeica is thickening my sides, though it has regrown some of the hair on my top. I wonder why it would not thicken the sides provided the thinning is caused by DHT and Propecia suppresses it.

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  • Regular Member

Thanks Torip.


So you mean to say that it can only get worse ? Do you think that this might be due to shockloss also because I had my HT in May 2013 and a PRP using micro-needling in Dec 2013. Some people say that there should not be any shock loss after 10 months. But I had a PRP like 4 months back. I was wondering if that is the case. Because I never had this kind of shedding before HT.


Does anyone know the best remedy for this. Because if it continues for another 2-3 months, I will be left with no hairs.

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