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Heat exposure?

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I got a 1500 FU transplant last wedsnesday 6/2/04 to the front on my recedingn hairline. Now, the weather is getting hotter in NYC.


As recommended, I will wear a hat in the hot summer time. However, wearing a baseball cap makes my head hotter because heat is trapped.

I am afraid that my hair follicles with be feeling like it's inside an oven. Should I be afraid to sweat around my newly transplanted hairs?


My question is "Will the heat damage the Transplant?"




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  • Regular Member



I got a 1500 FU transplant last wedsnesday 6/2/04 to the front on my recedingn hairline. Now, the weather is getting hotter in NYC.


As recommended, I will wear a hat in the hot summer time. However, wearing a baseball cap makes my head hotter because heat is trapped.

I am afraid that my hair follicles with be feeling like it's inside an oven. Should I be afraid to sweat around my newly transplanted hairs?


My question is "Will the heat damage the Transplant?"




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Once your scab have fallen off - I guess this is still to happen in your case. Thene they the FUs transplanted will be sitting within your tissue at a nice 37oC, in a very humid environment. So I think NYC weather even with a basball hat will not represent adverse conditions for the FUs.


As for wearing the hat during the healing process - Icannot really comment.



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Hi Paco,

I asked the same question you did concerning the sweat factor after a hair transplant and thought you may be interested in those answers. You can also go to the "search link" and type in sweat to see any past postings concerning that issue. Here is my posting link...




Also here is a quote from another posting that Dr Charles gave concerning the issue of salt water...


No, ocean water will not harm the grafts. I have practiced in Boca Raton, Florida for 4 years and have been sending my patients in the ocean for the past 2 years. The healing time has been significantly reduced. I generally instruct patients to wait 36-48 hrs before salt/ocean water is exposed to scalp. For my out of town patients I suggest they bottle some ocean water and take it home them or make thier own salt water solution. I have not received a single complaint reguarding ocean water.

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