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Intense coughing 7 days Post-OP

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Hi everyone, I just had a 2000 grafts FUE procedure in my hairline 9 days ago and I haven't found a concrete response regarding coughing/sneezing and it's effect on recently transplanted grafts, I hope someone could help me.


Starting from day 7 post-op I got the initial symptoms of a flu, including constant coughs like every 5 minutes. I didn't do much as I thought it was something mild, yet the coughs have worsened and I'm experiencing very INTENSE and frequent ones as of today (you know, those ones that make your face and eyes turn red, even my head hurt).


I started taking some over-the-counter medication while I make an appointment with the Dr, but I'm paranoid about the situation and the degree of damage I could be making to my recently transplanted grafts.

Do you think I stressed much the receptor area and risked the grafts with so much and constant coughing?

Edited by Papaya
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Never heard of this, but I guess surgery could weaken your immune system and make you more likely to be sick.

At 7 days I doubt coughing would effect them at all. The grafts should be secure enough so that only decent rubbing or banging your head or something would hurt, and I don't think coughing does anything to the top of your head?

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