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Gujrat Hair Transplant & Laser Surgery (Pakistan)

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You have me confused. Previous posts of yours seem to indicate that you are a patient. However, this post (since you've presented several different patients) makes it look like you are a doctor representative or doctor posting photos on behalf of your clinic. Which is it?


When presenting photos, it helps if you post one patient per album and write a brief description of the case in the album introduction.


If you do represent a clinic, you must disclose your affiliation with them in your forum signature without adding any promotional content as per our terms of service.


Your response is anticipated.



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Hi Bill

Well let me clear??¦.i had my 1st surgery from GHT around jan, 2008 and my 2nd session was done in December 2008.I am satisfied and now I am proudly presenting GHT??¦I am really sorry to mention it before as I m not expert in dealing computers so instead of putting GHT results by leading clinics I put it by mistake in patient ones??¦.so on behalf of me and GHT I am really very sorry for that and I will make sure in future it won't happen again??¦

As you have seen from the post I clearly mention the name of clinic..There was nothing to hide and I clearly want to put the results of GHT on this site??¦.

So should I send them again or you will transfer them to results posted by clinic. I will post the details of the patient regarding no of sessions and no of grafts when you confirm me about it.

Thanking you in advance

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