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My Experience with ProHairClinic :)


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Pro Hair Clinic… JK's Story.


I had spent the last 2 years considering whether I would have SMP performed on me. Being a 33 year old, the top of my head was rather thin of hair and I did think about it on regular occasions. I did a lot of research online to see who offered what, and how comfortable I felt with what they were offering. As I already kept my hair short, SMP seemed to be a good solution to what I was looking for. It took me a while before I came across Bart at ProHairClinic, but their informative website immediately put them on the short list. In the end it was a decision between two. I made email contact with both. I decided on ProHairClinic because the replies to my emails were timely, friendly and definitely not pushy. Being based in Australia I had to time my appointments around a very short stay in Europe. ProHairClinic fitted in with my schedule and made things so easy for me.


Treatment 1.


My first appointment was for a Monday afternoon with a start time of 1:30pm. Upon arrival I was immediately introduced to Ilse, who had written me a personal confirmation email a few days before the treatment. She explained she would be the technician performing the SMP on me. I swear to this day that Ilse is a mind reader, as she almost knew exactly what I was wanting. I had a mental list of questions prepared that I fired at her like a machine gun, and with every shot she had the answer I wanted. My main questions, which were actually statements when i come to think of it, was that I didn't ever have thick hair, so I didn't want to transform my head into something it never was. I also wanted to keep the frontal hair line natural. I had seen some procedures performed by other firms that had a really hard front line, and I didn't think that style looked very natural and on me would attract unwanted attention. Ilse took the time, made me feel at ease and calmed my nerves. About 30 minutes into our discussion Sabine arrived. By this time, Ilse and I had discussed the entire procedure step by step and I was feeling very comfortable. Sabine spent a lot of time drawing my hair line. Measuring everything to the millimetre and gave me plenty of time to make my decision. Nobody rushed me through any step. During this time Ilse was spending a lot of time mixing and matching colours to provide me with a seamless colour flow between my natural hairs, and the Micro pigmentation.


Initially, Ilse did a few test pigments to make sure the colour was perfect, and it was. From here she began the SMP process, beginning at the back of my head and working forward with my frontal hair line last. The procedure was relatively pain free. I was not able to have any local anaesthetic due to recent open heart surgery, so I am sure if you did have it, you wouldn't feel a thing. Some areas are more sensitive than others, but never did I have to ask Ilse to stop the treatment. The first treatment took about 5 1/2 hours, which was about an hour longer than planned, but at no point was Ilse looking at the clock, or trying to rush me out the door. I had the feeling if we needed to stay until midnight to make me happy, she would have. What an amazing result in one afternoon.


As i mentioned earlier, my first SMP appointment was on a Monday. Because of the distance I travelled I had chosen to organise some work meetings in between my treatments. My first work appointment was on Tuesday evening. It was a group of 20 men from my industry in a very well lit conference room in the south of Germany. Prior to the commencement of the meeting we all greeted, shook hands and had some general chit chat. Some of these men I had known for more than a decade, so I was very interested to see if anyone would notice what I had done. I was acutely aware of the eye ball direction of every person I spoke with, stood near and acknowledged. Not one pair of eyes even gave the upper region of my head a second glance. I did not get one stare or even a sideways look. Success!!!


After having a few days to stare proudly in a mirror at myself, I had decided I wanted a couple of changes on my second appointment which was the Thursday morning of the same week. The frontal line I felt was a little to sharp for my liking, although nowhere near as sharp as I had seen online from other firms, and I thought the front line could go just a few millimetres lower. After meeting again with Ilse, Sabine, Christel and Bart, while they all inspected the scalp of my head in great detail, I was left alone with Ilse. She immediately said, today I want to soften your hairline and bring it a little lower!!! reinforcing my thoughts that she is a mind reader!!!


Due to the fact that Ilse had spent extra time on Monday on my "Hair", Thursdays appointment was only a little over an hour. In fact I was so happy after Mondays appointment that I almost considered skipping Thursdays as I really didn't see the point. In the end, Thursdays appointment was the icing on the cake. Spending the time on the front hair line was exactly what I needed. It gave me such a natural look, that even I look in the mirror and think I have gone 15 years back in time.


Since arriving back home, not one person has noticed what I have had done. I had told a few close friends what I was having done. In fact one of my friends was extremely sceptical about the procedure, and joked prior that I would look like I constantly had a motorcycle helmet on my head. He is now eating those words! My confidence level has gone sky high and I have not even thought about putting a hat on my head.


I cannot express in words my amazement and satisfaction with the SMP process, and the professionalism and skill of the team at ProHairClinic.


My tips.

1) DO IT! Don't wait. I know it sounds a little pressured, but the only regret I have is that i didn't do this sooner. Although I was a little self conscious that "yesterday" I didn't have much hair, and "today" i have a full head of hair, to date nobody has noticed. It is really just when i look back through photos, i realise how much happier i would have been in this time if i was not so concerned with my hair.


2) Go for the soft frontal hair line. ProHairClinic are experts in the "Natural Look" hair line. Like i said earlier, after my first appointment i was a little unsure if my front line was too hard, or too sharp if you like. After the second, i had the most natural hair line i have ever seen. I simply can not fault the overall look, the blend into my existing hair, and the hair colour matching. It simply looks like I have a natural full head of hair.


3) After you have had the treatment done… tell EVERYONE in need of SMP about it! I have no financial interest in writing this (Although Bart, a kick back would be nice!!) so i can say from a neutral perspective that by telling others about this, you will be doing them a favour. I didn't consider my hair loss life or death, I still have a sexy woman that loves me, and my dog never said a word! But for some people I know hair loss can be bordering on debilitating. I don't think anyone likes hair loss, we all just deal with it differently.


4) Ask all the questions you want to feel comfortable about this procedure. For me, anything cosmetic for a Man is a little strange. Then to have a cosmetic procedure in possibly the most looked at, uncovered part of your body is down right frightening. I had done lot of research online and felt very comfortable with what i was about to have done, but I will admit the night before I was having second thoughts. To look back now and think about my nerves before hand makes me laugh as I now can't imagine myself without having this procedure done.


Thank you Pro Hair Clinic.




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