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Considering 1800 grafts - looking for input

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I am considering HT with Dr. Limmer in San Antonio for 1800 grafts. I have another thread in the doctor forum about Limmer, but I wanted to post photos and get some input on my thinning and number of grafts.


The thinning and loss has occurred over the past 4 years, starting around my late 20s. It primarily affects the front and front-center portions of the scalp. Since I generally have very thick, wavy hair, it is less noticeable when dry, with the exception of the front-right corner, which is my problem spot.


I currently use minox foam 5% twice daily and take a hair supplement with Saw Palmetto. I briefly tried fin and didn't like the side effects. The minox seems to have gotten somewhat less effective over time.


To me, this seems to be an unusual pattern of loss, as I don't know that I even fit into the Norwood scale. Does this make treating my loss with HT surgery a more difficult process?


I've consulted with a few different doctors, and the recommendation has been about 1800 grafts to fill in the front-right spot and restore thickness to the rest. In looking at my loss, does that sound about right?






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  • Senior Member

Your hair loss doesn't seem terrible. I think 1800 grafts is good, depends on what you are looking to do and if you want any hairline lowering. Under 2000 grafts always sounds low to me unless it's a second HT doing some touch ups on the hairline and temples, or the patient is a low NW stage to begin with and already has a solid but thin hairline and wants a thicker hairline. I think that you are roughly a NW2.5 or NW3, but i'm not too sure.


See if you can browse around this site for NW2-3 patients who underwent surgery and see what is the average amount of grafts they got. 1800 sounds low but I have seen doctors like Dr Raghu Reddy(spelling?) use low amount of grafts and seem to get a lot done with little grafts. Maybe your doctor feels he can get a lot done with 1800 grafts. Good luck.

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