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Reliable source of proscar. Propecia from doctor is far too much hassle!


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  • Senior Member

Right folks, I've decided I need to get back on medication. It's not that my hair has gotten any worse but just to make sure.


The problem is that getting a hold of Propecia from my doctor is a nightmare. The surgery wants me to book an appointment every time I want a refill and it's a different doctor I see every time which means I need to explain my situation again and again which is humiliating and they refuse to give me a simple repeat prescription.


Add to that the cost seems to keep rising and last I heard the surgery itself was whacking on an additional charge for these kind of prescriptions so that way is out for me.


I'd like to know where in the UK can I find a reliable source of Proscar that I can order online? By reliable I mean it is a decent quality drug and from someone who won't take my money and run!


Thanks all!

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