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Dr. Keene Pt 22 months post 2100 FUT

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This 24 year old gentleman came to Dr. Keene in 2011 to restore his front hairline. She recommended he start on Finasteride first to stabilize his hair loss. After a year, he came to see her again, and felt that the medication had stabilized his hairloss, but he still wanted to fill in his hairline. He had just a little hair loss in the crown, but that was not the area that bothered him, so he didn't choose to fill in that area yet. The pre-surgery photos are from 13 months after he started on Finasteride, and the post surgery photos are from 1 year 10 months after his surgery of 2100 grafts, (4725 hairs). He was very happy with his results! Here is the graft break down.


1s) 377

2s) 1036

3s) 520

4s) 179

Total 2112

Total hairs 4725











I am a medical assistant and hair transplant surgical assistant employed by Dr. Keene


Dr. Keene is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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