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Dr. Umar- FUE Hairline and Temple Restoration With 1500 Grafts

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This patient of Derm Hair Clinic had a prior hair transplant. But he wanted to improve upon the overall coverage, particularly in the hairline and temple areas. From the before images, it is quite clear.


Dr. Umar was able to achieve the patient’s goals by using only 1500 grafts. Advanced Follicular Unit Extraction was used to take follicles from the head as well as the nape.

A main challenge of this patient’s case was for the additional grafts to be inserted in a way that looks seamless with the existing hairs.


Natural looking hairline and temples are characterized by smooth transitions. This includes the contouring from the temples to the hairline. And this also includes the gradual transition of finer thinner hairs to ones that are thicker in caliber.


Because of this, it is important to be able to harvest both thin and thick diameter grafts. Hairs from the head may look quite harsh along the hairline and temples. Thinner hairs may be derived from the nape or the patient’s legs. However, a specialized approach is needed.


Dr. Umar uses uGraft which is a comprehensive Advanced FUE system of both tools and methods used for harvesting hair from the nape and other areas outside the scalp. The UGraft punches were designed to overcome two areas of challenges in extracting these types of follicles:


(1) Unique angulation of the follicles, which makes it somewhat difficult to use regular FUE punches which are often more suited for growth angles closer to ninety degrees.


(2) Need to have pristine wound healing results in the donor regions. Patients would obviously be averse to having any type of scarring on areas like their face, nape, legs etc.


Here are before and after photos of the patient’s procedure. Dr. Umar’s strategic approach helped the patient achieve the density and fullness that he wanted with the conservative number of grafts that were used.










To view the patient's video, click here

Edited by Abbie
changed the url

Representing Dr. Umar of DermHair Clinic.


Dr. Umar is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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