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How far could my hairloss go?


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In my family my mom's dad and grandpa both had full heads of hair until they were quite old. On my dad's side he has been losing since about 30 and he is now 50 and has lost about 75% of his hair. He told me his dad was a little balder than him at the same age. I have been losing my hair since 17 and I was wondering whether, since it doesn't run in my family, will I possibly never become completely bald even though I have started so young?

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  • Regular Member

In my family my mom's dad and grandpa both had full heads of hair until they were quite old. On my dad's side he has been losing since about 30 and he is now 50 and has lost about 75% of his hair. He told me his dad was a little balder than him at the same age. I have been losing my hair since 17 and I was wondering whether, since it doesn't run in my family, will I possibly never become completely bald even though I have started so young?

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Hair loss does run in your family as you stated with regard to your father and grandfather.


There are no solid indicators of how far you will go but all you need to do is look at the worst of the two sides of your family, in this case your father's side, and you will have a basic idea of how far you could potentially go. However, in my experience I tend to see a combination effect where your loss will probably be slightly less than your father's side since your mother's genetics are playing a role as well.

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  • Senior Member

I wonder if there is a combination effect. There is lots of baldness on both sides of my family, just not extreme baldness. Pretty much everyone is an NW4 or NW5.


I wonder if I'll be like everyone else, or if the fact that I get it from both sides means I am headed for NW7.

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