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Best hair dye for a guy after HT and on Finasteride and Regaine.

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Hi all,


I'm sure some of ye may have spotted a query or two from me before on a few little issues I have following my HT over three months ago. Many thanks for yer replies on them which were most helpful and insightful. Things are slowly but surely picking up over the past few weeks. There are many small baby hairs begining to sprout. Its a slow tedious process and things don't happen overnight but I'm hanging in there.


Anyway, another query ye lads might be able to help me with hopefully and even any other guys in the same situation reading the thread. Another symptom of the ageing process I suppose but I have quite a few greys showing. Before they were mainly confined to the sides and back but now there are some appearing on top too.


Could anybody recommend me a hair dye or product such as grecian that is safe to use for a guy also using Regaine and Finasteride. In particular are there any harsh products I should avoid as my hair can be quite fragile and harsh products do seem to cause hairloss with me.


Also, I do have a tendency to suffer from dandruff even a build up of a waxy substance on my scalp from time to time. Thankfully the Nizoral tends to keep that in check for the most part but again I just want to avoid any products that may exasserbate that aspect also.


I have used just for men on the backs and sides before. Ok results with it but a bit hit and miss. Sometimes you will get better results than others. I would like a product like grecian that builds my hair colour up over time but have read very mixed reviews on it. Some would not touch it in account of its lead content and believe that the make up of the product is not as good as it was in the last few years. Others seem to think its a fantastic product.


Anyone able to provide me with more insight please. Thanks in advance for all replies

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