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3000 Grafts Dr. Meshkin


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Overall my experience at this office has been very positive. Dr Meshkin has been doing hair transplants for decades and has a solid reputation so that’s why I trusted him for mine. He is very knowledgeable, courteous and has a solid track record of success. During my operation I had 3100 grafts placed from my hairline to my crown. The process of planning out where to allocate all these grafts was a little confusing from my perspective and im still unclear as to exactly where they were placed. I was told there was about 1,000 grafts placed in the frontal area, 1000 in the crown area and the other 1000 ‘all over’. The surgery went well and was completed surprisingly quickly, the overall time of operation was under 5 hours. Not sure if that’s unusual. However, I was never at any point in any pain so that’s good, I pretty much was passed out through most of the procedure and seems like everything went smoothly. The Dr. was not in the office when I gained consciousness towards the end of the operation, but he called me later in the day to check in and addressed all my questions and concerns. I did vomit a few times later in the day of the surgery but that was only due to a bad reaction my body had to the pain meds. I went in for a follow up appointment a week later and Dr. told me everything is looking good and I am healing nicely. I still experience a lot of itching in my donor area but I guess that’s not unusual, if anyone has any suggestion on how to deal with the itching please share. So anyways, thats a brief summary of my pleasant experience with Dr. Meshkins office.




I have attached a bunch of pics and would appreciate any kind of feedback! they are pics from before the surgery, day after, and 30 days post surgery. Sorry about the poor image quality. :cool:













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  • Regular Member

Wow, 5 hours? your HT took half the time mine did, I had 3036 grafts in around 9/10 hours! but mine were all in the crown and I probably need another 3000 in the front and mid section, anyway good luck!

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  • Senior Member



Congratulations! Dr. Meshkin's work is impeccable and his results are always impressive. Please keep us posted on your progress.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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