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Can Hair be transplanted just to the top?

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I have bee losing hair for 3 years now. My hairline has receded and i have lost many on the top as well. I can see most of my scalp through my hairline. Hair is very thin on top.


I am wondering if surgeons can transplant hair on the top and not start from the hairline. Sort of filling in the places where the hair is lost next to the ones that are already there. Going from back to front and eventually reaching the hairline. Then later doing the hairline. Is that possible? I have included pictures. If i can get some help that would be really helpful. Thanks


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Technically, yes, this is possible. Most physicians use an opposite approach, but if this is what you'd like done, it can be achieved with modern hair transplantation.


However, you may find yourself more interested in the traditional approach, and I think a consultation with a trusted hair restoration physician would help you discuss both options and determine the best way to proceed.


Good luck!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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LessHairy, as Blake pointed you, yes you can have those patches filled in (either with FUE or FUT), but that may not be a good idea as your hair loss may not have stabilized. What if you lost more hair after patching, and that may not look good (as you may have islands formed). Consult your doctor to see if you can start on Finesteride to halt hairloss, and once stabilized, then you may want to get procedure, or doing both. So, talk to recommended HT doctors for advice and next steps. Good luck.

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I thought about using finestride, but the side effect that i've heard about, impotency, i was concerned about. Can anyone shed some light on it aswell? That would be helpful. Has it happened to anyone using it here on the forum? And how effective is finestride? How long do i have to use it for? Andif i stop taking what happens?


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By modern hair transplantation, I meant either refined FUT or FUE.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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I thought about using finestride, but the side effect that i've heard about, impotency, i was concerned about. Can anyone shed some light on it aswell? That would be helpful. Has it happened to anyone using it here on the forum? And how effective is finestride? How long do i have to use it for? Andif i stop taking what happens?



Out of all the people on this forum, most using some form of finasteride (Propecia), there are only one or two guys in my recent memory that have complained of the whole impotence thing from Propecia; the short version is:

1. It's extremely rare

2. The effects only last as long as you keep taking the drug; if you notice that you're never horny anymore, or your wiener stops responding to pictures of naked women or fast cars or Draco Malfoy in leather pants (if that's your thing - hey, I don't judge) with its previous vigor, just stop taking the Propecia and you'll be right back to normal.


Basically, there's no way to know without trying it; if it causes side-effects then simply stop taking it, and since you're thinning on top a lot, I personally think you need to get on it ASAP. Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor - I work on computers. But Propecia works great for me.


Anyone else?

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  • Senior Member
I am wondering if surgeons can transplant hair on the top and not start from the hairline... Going from back to front and eventually reaching the hairline. Then later doing the hairline. Is that possible?


Just re-read this post and understood the question more directly. Of course they can do this... Why wouldn't they be able to? Most guys simply want to attack the hairline first, since it frames their face and has a more dramatic initial impact, but there's no reason not to do it in reverse and work your way forward from the rear, either.

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