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Please help... regarding pre op and post op instructions for FUE.

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I was told in a attached email document from my surgeon to stop all hairloss medication (Such as Minoxidil and Finasteride) 15-20 days prior to the transplant.


I don't understand why stop Finasteride?


And many surgeons seem to say stopping Minoxidil just the day before, and 5+ days (whenever scabs come out) after is fine, so 2+ weeks seems excessive?


What about Salicylic acid shampoo and Nizoral before and after transplant, should I stop it a 1 day before, and can resume when scabs fall out? I assume the Salicylic acid might thin out blood so I might want to stop a few weeks before, and resume (along with Nizoral) when scabs come out.


Finally, is Vitamin C considered a blood thinner, or can I take 3000 mg prior and after transplant to help healing?



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