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Forgotten Suture?

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So far I'm at 68 days (give or take a day) post-op and I've experienced some limited growth in the recipient area (I had hair transplanted into a childhood scar) as well as shock loss around my donor scar. Since my procedure I've been experiencing mild sensitivity around my donor scar, it's difficult to explain. It isn't painful but it isn't comfortable either and on occasion if I turn my head in a certain angle it can still hurt my donor scar or make it feel uncomfortable. I've always attributed this to tightness, etc., of the donor scar - it feels like pulling or something. Anyway, I've been surfing around trying to see if anybody else has been experiencing any odd pain such as weird stinging pain above the actual donor scar and I think I found a post where one hair transplant patient mentioned he had a staple or stitch left over in his donor area. I'm thinking the same may apply to me, which has me worried, and I noticed when I feel my scar there's a slight thread like substance felt above the very edge of my donor scar. What is it? I have no idea as I've never noticed it until now and nobody has ever mentioned it despite the number of people I've had inspect my scar to assure it wasn't stretching during the initial first month or so. I'm planning to go back to my surgeon to have him take a look but I wanted to know if anybody else has had an experience with this. Will this cause any damage to my donor scar? Make it stretch? Will it effect my donor shock loss? I appreciate any answers.


While I'm happy to feel the stubble and hear from others about the signs of growth on my scar so early on the back of my head, I'm now finding this enthusiasm overshadowed by worries of what negative impact a left over suture could have on my donor. :confused:

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A piece of non-absorbable suture that is not removed at the proper time after the procedure can cause a tissue reaction that may lead to some additional scar tissue in that particular area. It would not necessarily cause a stretching of the scar. Prolonged discomfort can be a sign tha tsome of the suture was not removed, But some patients experience formation painful spots in the suture are for several months post-op and it is not from any remaining suture material.

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  • Regular Member

The area around where I feel the piece of whatever it is at the end of my donor scar is apparently thick with hair. I'm assuming that's a good sign? Thanks for the reply, Dr. Charles, but I was also wondering if a potential lingering suture would have any effect upon shock loss around the donor scar? I'm still at the point where I have some amount of thinning around my scar which, despite the thinning, is difficult to spot but I'd obviously still like to see that area fill out again. I apologize if it's a stupid question but I read that a lot of what causes donor shock loss has to do with tension from sutures.

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