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Hair transplant in hyderabad - india

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I have stage VI baldness and recently i have taken the long pending and bold decision to come to Hyderabad for Hair Transplant.


In my case Dr Madhu had innitially seen my digital snaps through e-mail and recommened 3000 grafts for HT but when i met him in person he honestly said that the results would not be satisfactory due to lesser donor hair ; wider bald area and to my surprise he very honestly though refund the deposit money for hair transplant.Further i have good quality and quantity of body and facial beard but he informed that result for body hair transplant is again not good in comparison to scalp hair and the ratio is 1:20.


Dr Ashok offered to get the HT done within reasonable expectations with the remark that Dr Madhu was a man of limited capability.Now i see from forums that there are some negative feedbacks about Dr Ashok.:eek:


Wonder what Dr Y V Rao would response to my case though i did not come across any negative feedback about him and patients on this forum have also recommended him.:confused:


I understand that i need an extracalibre HT specialist who can put in some extra efforts to restore a reasonable hairline.Wonder if Y V Rao would be the right recommendation for my case ?:confused:


Look forward to advice from senior members.Do i need to go for non surgical means ? Any advise on that front too though i still believe strongly that i can be restored a reasoble hairline by hair transplant esp as my expectations are realistic and moderate.

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  • Regular Member

Hey Proactive, seems like Dr. Madhu has limited capabilities.. U must consult Dr Radha from vishakapatnam she has got some very good results, that too with limited grafts. If u r seeking a body hair transplant then I would recommend Dr Bhatti(Chandigarh) or Dr A(Delhi, Mumbai).

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Dear winwin ;

Thanks for your valuable inputs and i shall work on the same.In fact i was already thinking to contact Dr Radha from Vishakhapatnam.Scalp micro pigmentation also should be a gud idea.Do u have reference of specific scalp micropigmentation clinics ? I think in combination with grafts from HT scalp micropigmentation should give gud results.

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SMP is good but requires maintenance..if I were in ur place I would just get BHT frm Dr Bhatti.. Body has enough hair to cover the scalp and their growth is just like natural hair growing out of scalp, though it takes about a year for the hair to start growing on ur scalp after HT.. the growth is slow.. U could use SMP for ur temple points. I don't think they have any clinics in India for SMP. Nearest one wud b in Dubai..

Also every surgeon has his comfort zone and BHT (FUE) is a technique that not many doctors feel comfortable performing.. So don't go by what Dr Madhu (specialisation FUT) has told u, it's just his in capability.. I wud suggest visiting Dr.A or Dr Bhatti for a consultation to begin with...

All the best buddy!

Edited by Winwin88
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  • Regular Member

Dear WinWin ;


I also felt that HT surgeons in Hyderabad were not comfortable with BHT :eek:espacially as in my case it could be useful.I was informed that BHT has 1:20 rate of sucess in comparison to scalp hair transplant ; unlike the information shared by you here.I wonder , why anyone should go for BHT in such a case given that it is much more expensive:rolleyes:.I have taken note of all the valuable information provided by you and shall proceed accordingly for future.


However , as of now since i had already delayed it soo long and since i am already in Hyderabad comming all the way from Jammu , for this very purpose only ; i plan to go ahead with Dr Y V Rao followed by SMP in Dubai and BHT in chandigarh later on as suggested by you.


Dr Y V Rao assured me that he could get 2500 grafts from my donor hair and restore a reasonable hairline.:DI understand his charges are also quite lesser in comparison with others in HYD.Given the situation of confusion and uncertanity created for me also i prefer to go for lesser expensive version and play safer.:confused:Plus Dr Rao from his age also appears to be quite an experienced Plastic Surgeon.


Dr Y V Rao assured me that unlike other HT doctors from Hyderabad who were dermatologists he was a Plastic Surgeon Specialist and therefore better qualified to do this transplant and he also provided this as the justification as to why he could extract more donor grafts from my scalp.:D


Well at lest this would seem quite convincing for a layman like me:p espacially as i strongly believe just that someone is charging lesser dosent mean that he is in any way lesser skilled / qualified than others who charge much higher.:cool:At least my case i personally believe that my case appears to be of some challenge to a HT specialist and calls for a bit of extra efforts , skills and comitment.


Since i am a layman all i am relying upon now is my commonsense and intution only to take my decision.

Edited by Proactive69
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  • Regular Member
Also, if u could wait and watch out for Dr Nigam's (mumbai) stem cell hair transplant.. They also have a technique wherein they double your donor grafts for transplant.


Really ? wonder when this is gonna come up ? Are there any such clinics elsewhere in the world too ? this coz conventionally we are gud at only copying things rather than indegenous products.

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