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Come on guys I have been on Propecia for a month!


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  • Regular Member

Yes true, I have been on propecia for exactly a month, where I noticed some of the side effects but really didn't care as I notice less hair falling out. Meanwhile I was researching this drug and I noticed that so many guys had permanent side effects. MOST ppl post really scary comments/posts about propecia, only FEW really are happy with the drug. Now I'm confused whether to take propecia or not! I am really concerned about my hair but not as much as my sex life !;(


What do you think? I never had a best answer about how bad/good is propecia!?!

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Personally, I think you need to do a lot more research. I know there are some forums out there where members would have you believe Propecia comes with all sort of nasty and permanent side effects. However, Propecia's website claims that side effects are rare, and in many cases, they'll go away with continued use of the medication. If they don't, stopping the medication should result in a loss of the side effect.


I wouldn't rule out put the possibility of permanent side effects in rare instances...but to me, I think they're a bit exaggerated on some of these other websites, some of the posts which, probably come from herbal medication manufacturers.


Consult with your doctor, read the facts on Propecia's website, and then decide wehther or not continuing with the medication is worth it.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

hi Bill iv just started taking proscar 1/25 tablet3 times a week.. im just over a month after my ht..im not 100% downstairs but not to bad iv been taking in for 2 weeks.. do you think it will get better with time ?but if it doesnt will it have a bad effect if i stop taking it?..also in years down the road do most people increase the amount they take..not sure what to do...thanks

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Do you go home every day and post on the internet "Today I was not hit by a car. Today I was not robbed", etc.


No, you don't.


Only people with bad experiences post. There is no point in making a "I took propecia today for the 120th time and nothing happened" post. So even though only 5% get serious side effects, those 5% make up 90%+ of posts.

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First i also used propecia but after the side effects i stopped using it and later I switched to finasteride instead of propecia, it's the generic version of it. dealgeneric.com is where I get it.

Now i am satisfied with it and regained my confidence level.



Mack Allen

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  • Regular Member

Mr. Bill and all you guys thanks for the honest answer,


I really read all the facts about propecia and reseached well about it, however I take ppls experience/posts about the drug into conideration and that what scares me. Well your answers are really appreciated.

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