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Kudos to Dr. Jeff Epstien in Miami


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I wanted to share my excellent expeerience with Dr. Jeff Epstein in Miami. I know most of this board is devoted to singing the praises of HW, but I'll go ahead anyway.


I encourage anyone considering a HT to consider Dr. Epstein. I had a phone conuslt with him and immediately liked the guy. He is personable and has very good credentials. All of that means crap if his work is poor. I agonized about going to HW or Epstein. In the end I went to each of their web sites and printed out all of the photos of their work, labeled the backs of the pictures and mixed them up. I then picked out what I thought were the best ones and they were evenly mixed HW and Epstein. To my wife they all looked the same, but then again, she was not the hairline connesieur that I had become. I spoke to patients of both docs, all of whom were very happy.


I still was not convinced so I flew from NY to Miami and meet with Epstein and saw a number of his patients, one of whom was a plastic surgeon. That guy, and all of Epstein's patients looked great so I booked my appointment.


My experience with my surgery was exceptional. I had 3600 grafts in July. Only a little discomfort during the injections.

The staff was excellent, very nice, very comforting. He gave me valium and Ambien, so I snoozed for most of the 7 hours of the procedure. No post op pain, some swelling so I got a headband and diuretic. So far the scabs are gone and the sutures are out. I will post some photos when the hair grows in.


I had no doubt in my mind that HW would have done an excellent job. I did not want my head shaved as HW does, although I would have done that if it was essential to a good job. I would have travelled to Vancouver for my surgery but I am glad I did not have to. I would have had surgery in Canada although I am glad I was able to stay in the US as I know its medical and legal systems although I would have travelled to Canada if it was essential to getting a good result.


In short, anyone considering a HT should give serious consideration to Dr. Epstein. Realise that HW was a powerful PR machine that posts on this and other boards, and readers begin to feel that HW is the only place they can go to get a good job. I am sure they do a great job, but so does Dr. Epstein.


Do what I did with the pictures and you will see that their results are equivalent. Anyone with questions is free to email me. Dr. Epstein is a first rate professional with a great staff and his results are outstanding.

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  • Regular Member

I wanted to share my excellent expeerience with Dr. Jeff Epstein in Miami. I know most of this board is devoted to singing the praises of HW, but I'll go ahead anyway.


I encourage anyone considering a HT to consider Dr. Epstein. I had a phone conuslt with him and immediately liked the guy. He is personable and has very good credentials. All of that means crap if his work is poor. I agonized about going to HW or Epstein. In the end I went to each of their web sites and printed out all of the photos of their work, labeled the backs of the pictures and mixed them up. I then picked out what I thought were the best ones and they were evenly mixed HW and Epstein. To my wife they all looked the same, but then again, she was not the hairline connesieur that I had become. I spoke to patients of both docs, all of whom were very happy.


I still was not convinced so I flew from NY to Miami and meet with Epstein and saw a number of his patients, one of whom was a plastic surgeon. That guy, and all of Epstein's patients looked great so I booked my appointment.


My experience with my surgery was exceptional. I had 3600 grafts in July. Only a little discomfort during the injections.

The staff was excellent, very nice, very comforting. He gave me valium and Ambien, so I snoozed for most of the 7 hours of the procedure. No post op pain, some swelling so I got a headband and diuretic. So far the scabs are gone and the sutures are out. I will post some photos when the hair grows in.


I had no doubt in my mind that HW would have done an excellent job. I did not want my head shaved as HW does, although I would have done that if it was essential to a good job. I would have travelled to Vancouver for my surgery but I am glad I did not have to. I would have had surgery in Canada although I am glad I was able to stay in the US as I know its medical and legal systems although I would have travelled to Canada if it was essential to getting a good result.


In short, anyone considering a HT should give serious consideration to Dr. Epstein. Realise that HW was a powerful PR machine that posts on this and other boards, and readers begin to feel that HW is the only place they can go to get a good job. I am sure they do a great job, but so does Dr. Epstein.


Do what I did with the pictures and you will see that their results are equivalent. Anyone with questions is free to email me. Dr. Epstein is a first rate professional with a great staff and his results are outstanding.

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PS I want to thank everyone on this board who posts and responded to my earlier posts. The info I got from this board was invaluable in my going ahead with a HT. My decision to consider a HR begain in Feb while watching an infomercial by Elliott and True. I had a consult Although I was not impressed with him, it began my research which let me to this board. Thank you all again.

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Congrats! There have been quite a few others on this discussion board singing the praises of Dr. Epstein.


Your pictures would be greatly appreciated. To post them, all you have to do is depress the "New" button at the top left of your screen and select "Photo Album". From there you can follow the prompts. If you have any questions about it, please do not hesitate to ask me via "Private Message".




As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questions.


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I just have to laugh at people giving the docs such kudos (including social) after a HT done only a month ago. Let us know if there is much to talk about or if it all fell out in 8 months time.

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I can see that your amusement may stem from a possible misconception that Dr. Epsteins work has not been showcased multiple time in the past. In the link below, I've posted one of the most recent patients of Dr. Epstein that decided to share his experience.




If you are curious about comments or expereiences on any doctor or subject ever discussed on the forum feel free to use the "Search" feature under the "Find" button located at the top of your screen.




As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questions.


To view animations and videos and learn about leading hair restoration physicians visit http://www.regrowhair.com/our_physicians.asp



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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No, I'm just saying that no matter which doctor did the work, at 1 month all you have is a bunch of holes in your head. Time will tell if hair will grow, and I only say this at my 8 month mark of having less hair now than prior to the HT.

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No, I'm just saying that no matter which doctor did the work, at 1 month all you have is a bunch of holes in your head. Time will tell if hair will grow


This is true, however an individual chooses a physician on his consistent aesthetically pleasing results, thus I still believe congratulations are in order.




As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questions.


To view animations and videos and learn about leading hair restoration physicians visit http://www.regrowhair.com/our_physicians.asp



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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I did an archive search, but could not find a particular patient that has posted FUE results done by Dr. Epstein. I did, however find a good deal of posts concerning his practice, however. You can do your own search by clicking the "Find" button at the top of your screen and then filling in your search criteria in the box. May I suggest you call Dr. Epstein's office and asking them to possibly send you some "before/after" pictures on some of their previous FUE work?


I want to also ask why you are adamant for FUE and not considering strip. I'm not advocating strip, I'm just always curious as to why this isn't an option at all for some.


Good luck!





As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questions.


To view animations and videos and learn about leading hair restoration physicians visit http://www.regrowhair.com/our_physicians.asp



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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notsohairy, thanks for the post regarding Dr. Epstein (who I had not heard much about). I checked out his web-site and I like the aesthetics of his hairlines. You should be happy with it when it grows in, let us know how it goes...

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Like JC said, at this point all I have is 3600 holes in my head and the memory of having been treated very well and very professionally by Dr. Epstein and his staff. When the hair starts to grow in I will he happy to post my pics. To post the usual 5 day scab picture is not helpful to anyone.

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It is true that we have seen dozens (if not more) of sets of pictures of the following day of a hair transplant surgery, but that doesn't mean that you should not want to snap off a few for yourself to look back on.


In case you do decide to utilize the forum to showcase Dr. Epstein's work, you can use the "Photo Album" feature. All you have to do is click the "New" button at the top left side of your screen and select "Photo Album." After that, just follow the instructions on uploading and enter the album in the thread that you desire to see it in.


In any case, happy healing and we look forward to the updates.






As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questions.


To view animations and videos and learn about leading hair restoration physicians visit http://www.regrowhair.com/our_physicians.asp



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Just in case anyone that reads this thread missed "fedup77"'s thread on his procedure with Dr. Epstein, here it is with a three month update:








As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questions.


To view animations and videos and learn about leading hair restoration physicians visit http://www.regrowhair.com/our_physicians.asp



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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