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Almost 1 Month Post op, 3500+ Fut with Dr.Panine

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Good Afternoon all,


First time post, lurked on the website for a long time and many of your sucess stories urged me to take the plunge. On January 24th I underwent a 3500+ FUT session with Dr.Panine to restore my hairline after strugling with hairloss for almost 10 years. The procedure though long and somtimes painful was not as bad as I had imagined before becoming more informed here and going through it mself. I highly recomend Dr.Panine and staff for anyone considering this option. I will create a blog with photos and updates but had a quick question.


I was an early shedder, most of my hairs shed at about a week and when I saw Stuart at 2 weeks to have the sutures removed he said about 80% of the graphs had shed at that time. So like many of you that had went through this process I am anxiously awaiting the results. I started taking finasteride (never was on it before) immediately day after the procedure and started using Rogain foam (tried it about 2 years ago) 1 week post op to hopefully promote faster growth. So today not quite 4 weeks after, I am seeing very small hairs starting to pop out, best I can compare it to is when you see a hair first pop out after shaving your face or head. I am fairly certain this is new growth and it's got me very excited, is it possible that the hair would start to grow a couple of weeks after shedding? They do not look like some of the grafts that stayed becuase those were a little longer. Just looking for others thoughts and experinces on this.


Thank You

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