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Shampooing question

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  • Regular Member

Hello Bigeasy,


Rogaine says that it is to be applied to a clean scalp, so if you are using Rogaine you should shampoo daily. This was a huge concern for me because I did not want shampooing to take my hair out. But in my 11 year experience with hair loss, the fact is - the hair that is going to fall out it due to DHT, is going to fall out without Rogaine and propecia.


A third thing that I have been using for about 6-7 months now if the HairMax Lasercomb. I know that there are opinions galore on this site about the product, but it has increased my crown from 16 hairs pcm to 24 hairs pcm. If you are not that thin yet, this may be something to add to whatever else you are doing.


Hope this helps,


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I've been shampooing every day but I read doing that was bad cause your washing out the oils that you need causing your scalp to dry.I've been seeing my scalp becoming flaky and dry lately and I have never had this problem before, I think its from shampooing every day. I read that if you rinse your hair without using a shampoo you won't lose the oils you need, so I was thinking of using Nozoral once a week and rinse the rest of the time. Another thing I've been doing which might be having an effect is drying my hair with a hair dryer, I can remedy that by letting my hair dry natural before applying the minoxidil. Tell me what you think your opinion would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Regular Member

Are you using the regular Rogaine (or generic) or are the foam? The regular causes irritation and flaking in many people including myself. The Foam doesn't use Glycol - something or other (I know the name but it has left me. I know someone else should piggyback with it), and it does not irritate. Although I am not a Dr, I was on the regular for 10 years and I know that it causes this for some of us. I would guess that it is less your shampoo and more the regular Rogaine.





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It mightn't be from shampooing, in fact it definitely isn't altogether caused by shampooing.


Minoxidil is alcohol based, it has to be, so with regular use it will dry your scalp no matter what else you do. Of course you can always try anti-dandruff shampoo, that logically would work? For some reason (I forget) someone said head and shoulders might be bad, so try Neutrogena or T-Gel or something, I actually used one from Nanogen where I buy my camouflage fibres from, not because it was better, it was on special offer, but that worked fine (might not be as cheap as T-Gel when it's not on offer though)

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