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Post-Op Miracle: Olive Oil

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I'm on day 9 after 2700 grafts, and I was ready to go crazy over the itching. I got tired of spraying saline and suffering 5 minutes later after it dried in the dry climate of Vegas, so I googled some more and read about guys applying olive oil.


So, I massaged about 2 tablespoons into my graft area, and it literally stopped the itching in its tracks. About 2 hours later I took a shower and the scabs and crusts are melting off without much work. This is important because I'm trying to keep the native hairs in the area from falling out from the trauma.


Today, I'm going out with a head full of the stuff under my baseball cap; what a relief.


I smell like a caprese salad, but WTF; I feel great!





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  • Regular Member

this might be the answer to my prayers! i'm trying so hard not to itch, and it's driving me crazy! i've been patting gently and that kind of helps, otherwise i just sit there and scream on the inside.


the only thing that i wonder about is if its healthy for the grafts? i know olive oil is great to condition the actual hair shaft, but would the thick oil on the scalp prevent the pore from breathing?

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Pongs1976

Toxic shampoos and other toxic hair products are a principal cause of loss and thinning. They sicken and harm scalp and hair, cause hair fall and then block hair ducts and thus prevent regrowth. Do a Google "Men's shampoos: Skin Deep Database" and "Not Just a Pretty Face." ....and you will see countless ones are severely harmful and others which are safe and non harming.


In my teens/early twenties I suffered severe loss. This treatment stopped loss and forced new growth and gave me a full head of hair. Many years later I still have all my hair sand it is`now so well anchored that I do not have any loss even when I wash my hair.


TREATMENT: Massage any pure, natural oil into scalp, Extra virgin olive, coconut and grape seed work well. Then brush vigorously preferably using a palm held brush with short natural boar bristles. (Quite stiff 1/2'' or 3/4' long 'bristles are best). You can see them on Amazon - they are known as military brushes.

Brush strongly so you feel it stimulating/irritating scalp. But do not overdo it. Scalp has to adjust so gradually build up to as many as 200 strokes each day. Brush entire scalp not just where you have loss as ALL of scalp and hair will have been sickened with the harmful shampoos. You may be apprehensive about irritating scalp - believe me I was too but this is what will force new growth as it unplugs the blocked hair ducts that result in loss - they are sometimes experienced as painful small itching spots.

As you brush some shedding and breakage may occur at first but will quickly stop as brushing makes hair better anchored and stronger. New hairs will appear and will be weak looking and sparse. Keep up the brushing and do not be concerned if brushing uproots them, as they will RE-APPEAR EVEN STRONGER and will not be uprooted.

First apply the oil, do the brushing and only wash off after 1 1/2 hours


I only wash hair with totally safe shampoo with no toxins - no toxic coloring, no toxic fragrances, no toxic preservatives, no harmful additives of any kind. You can find them in GNC, Trader Joes, some Walmart Stores, Cost Plus, Wegmans, Earth Fare, and some natural & health foods stores.


P.S. My near bald brother is now using the treatment after seeing my great success. We had not seen each other for 15 years and he and my other totally bald brother were amazed to see me with all my hair,


SOURCE(S): Many years research, self experimentation using natural treatments for hair loss, regrowth and cures of skin, scalp and hair disorders

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