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Different Donor Scar Width

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I agree. Check in with your doctor. It might be a deep stitch popped. It might be hypertrophy needing a shot of steroid, and it might just be a little more shock loss on one side than the other.


See the example picture below. This guy, who I've posted before, wouldn't take valium and was nervous when we did the left half of his strip. It required a fair amount of cauterization and hence he had shock loss on the left half noted at 2 months. When we continued on to the right side, he realized it wouldn't hurt, his blood pressure came down, and he didn't bleed or need cauterization--therefore minimal shock loss. (For you valium questioners out there..this is why I make you take it when we start). He thought the scar was wide...but it was just shock. By the 5 month pic all had resolved.


So check in with your doctor.


Dr. Lindsey



William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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