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Rogaine + Propecia = More aggressive balding and thinning.

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  • Regular Member

Hey guys,


I know many of you have probably read over the same kind of post before. I have been on rogaine consistently now since january but on/off for at least 18months. I have also been on finasteride generic 5mg (split into 4 x 1.25mg) taken once daily for 4months.


Since about march this year, my hairloss went from being something that didnt really effect me to something thats on my mind literally 24/7(yes also in my dreams). I never knew it could be so bad.


I thought the rogaine/finasteride would help slow it down or in someway combat it, but its actually gone alot worse. My frontal 1/3 is visibly thin and my crown is like an old mans crown. Im 23 years of age and honestly 50yearold men I see at the gym have stronger hairlines/hair then I do.


Has anyone else ever experienced even worse hair after being on rogaine and finasteride? And what are your thoughts/experiences with nizoral. I would appreciate some advice because I am the stage where I am lost.



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  • Senior Member

hang in there , its normal to go through a sheding phase while on these meds, do you notice more hair loss now? that could be a sign that the meds are working,4 months isnt a long time being on propecia, they say evaulate the meds after a year ,if its working for you,if you check out dr,bernstien website , he has a section of results from just propecia and rogaine ,you dont find alot of results just on meds on the web , i stumbled upon it the other day as i just recently started taking propecia and rogaine foam myself, i look at it this way were losing hair any way,and hair loss is progressive, so these two meds are the first line of defence in fighting hairloss, trying to keep what you have and slow the process down .ur not alone , im fighting the same thing ,MPB,

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  • Senior Member
Hey guys,


I know many of you have probably read over the same kind of post before. I have been on rogaine consistently now since january but on/off for at least 18months. I have also been on finasteride generic 5mg (split into 4 x 1.25mg) taken once daily for 4months.


Since about march this year, my hairloss went from being something that didnt really effect me to something thats on my mind literally 24/7(yes also in my dreams). I never knew it could be so bad.


I thought the rogaine/finasteride would help slow it down or in someway combat it, but its actually gone alot worse. My frontal 1/3 is visibly thin and my crown is like an old mans crown. Im 23 years of age and honestly 50yearold men I see at the gym have stronger hairlines/hair then I do.


Has anyone else ever experienced even worse hair after being on rogaine and finasteride? And what are your thoughts/experiences with nizoral. I would appreciate some advice because I am the stage where I am lost.




Hi SadbutTrue,


I understand your anxiety. I would just like to offer something I did not see mentioned yet.


You are at a pretty young age though some people experience androgentic alopecia even earlier in life. So yes I note that it is more distressing in our youth. I would ask that you share some pics if your comfortable and also encourage you to make sure a doctor has diagnosed that your hair loss is MPB and not from another underlying medical cause. Always deal with the facts and have the appropriate medical advice. If you have done that great. Others have already iterated regarding the duration it may take to see results.


All the Best, Michael

Michael James is a Patient Advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi, who is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network; and not a physician. Visit Us On: Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | LinkedIn


Comments give here are only for intellectual consideration and in no manner to be construed or accepted as medical advice. It is important to seek the advice of a physician in all medical circumstances including hair restoration, dietary or others directly or indirectly related to the subjects in this forum

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