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I suffer from genetic baldness and hair is thinning rapidly.


I have been looking up hair transplant surgeons and have come accross Dr. Humayun Mohmand based in pakistan.


I was wondering if any of you guys who have had a hair transplant procedure carried out by Dr. Humayun Mohmand in pakistan could advise of your experiences and thoughts of the process.


Any pics and advice appreciated.


P.S Very new to this so all comments and advice appreciated. Open to suggestions and recommendations.


Thanks all



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  • Senior Member

Dr. Mohmand is an excellent hair transplant surgeon, and I highly recommend consulting with his clinic.


Furthermore, feel free to review cases of his work on his recommendation profile.


Feel free to ask any additional questions.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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i have booked up for Ht with Dr H. On November, i have researched him extensively and have spoken with folk that have had HT with him and in general it seems that he a safe bet. I do have concerns that when asking his consultant questions his reply go against what i have found out via my research i.e. my biggest concern is the how long signs of the opp would be obvious i have been told that signs will last for 10 days, where as every where else says a 3-4weeks min? Any clarity on this would great?

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  • Regular Member
i.e. my biggest concern is the how long signs of the opp would be obvious i have been told that signs will last for 10 days, where as every where else says a 3-4weeks min? Any clarity on this would great?


This mostly depends on your baldness and skin complexion. I am currently 4 weeks post op and it is definitely still noticeable. Scalp is pinkish, which I try to conceal with make up products.


But I am a norwood 6 with light complexion. If I was early norwood 5 (i.e not totally bald recipient area) and with a dark complexion - at 2 weeks you may very well have no signs people will notice at a distance. This presume that most/all of your new hairs have fallen out.


Me, at 3 weeks most of my hairs fell out (the graft hairs) but I had to shave off the rest (electric razor). It takes a green tint concealer and mineral make up to subdue the pinkness. By far, the worst is concealing the zig zag line running along the hairline.


Interestingly, no one at work has said anything to me but I'm sure they noticed. I catch them staring a bit every once in a while. I *think* most people look at it (with what I am doing with make up, it is kind of subtle) and know something happened but are not quite sure what....


It would be nice if dr's had folks on the staff that could assist with concealment approaches using make up. Since it is typically men, few have little to no experience dealing with make up - I just had to research and figure it out for myself....


For me, it is not so much completely hiding it (would be nice though) but I can't go to work/public with a bright pink scalp with sawtooth edge on the front of my hair line. I have to do something to subdue it.


Hope this helps....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Aramis69,


I am going through the same phase as you and have been reading you HT. As i am aware, you should be over 4 months into your hair transplant? How has it gone? How many grafts did you get? I am also thinking of going for the HT in December this year. Looking forward for your reply.



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