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bosley ht on 3/4/08 in DC


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I was rated on the scale between a 1 and 2(only front hairline and templates loss) and my doctor said he thought 1500 was the right number. At this point i'm definitely not satisfied. There is growth but theres very little density. I want to wait for atleast a few months before i go back to complain. I've read that most guys see their best results from 12-16 months. I just can't see how it can improve that much- in 2 weeks it will be 9 months. Any advice? I look at it now and wish I had 3000 instead of 1500

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  • Senior Member

Mike I read most people are at around 90% by month 12. Would you consider posting your pictures in a web blog? I hope things work out well for you. I'm between 4-5 months right now. icon_smile.gif

4374 grafts-7/2/2008-Dr Rahal

485 singles

2336 doubles

1526 triples

16 quads

9809 total hairs

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mike, i too went to bosley and was extremely unsatisfied with the desity i got... i believe this is a tactic done by bosley to get you back in the chair and obv them more money..... i took the bait cause i saw no other way and went back for a 2nd pass... i wish i hadnt... just like you i recieved ONLY up front and about 1500 grafts a piece, for a total of 3000 over both both procedures....... the truth of the matter is if your hairloss was minimal like you say then you prob should not have had the work done at all..... do not go back to bosley. infact i would hold off as long as humanly possible before having ANY further surguries........ in the mean time there is much you can learn about the REALITIES of hair transplants... bosley does not inform their patients of the REALITIES of what can truly be achieved, just lies and glossy photos. i know this 1st hand



1. can you post pics of your situation

2. whats you family history on MPB? dad, bro, uncle, ect ect..

3. do you think your current situation is un livable

4. have you heard of dermmatch(it has been a big help to me while i plan my next move...

5 are you on meds??


all the best man, u only went once and got a small # of grafts and i belive no matter you final outcome you will have plenty of options if need be..... but dont rush into ANYTHING, and dont eat up all the bull s*** clinics and rep might try to feed you.

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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