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Explanation of terms please!

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  • Regular Member

I am reposting this from my other post hoping it gets more responses:



I am attempting to have an asymmetry in my naturally high hairline corrected. I estimate that the area is 4.5 cm squared. After consultatiuons with several doctors, all of whom are highly recommended on this site, I have been told that I need 300-350 grafts to correct this. What I don't understand is the difference between follicular units and hairs. Apparently the average hairs produced by 1 follicular unit is 2.2 per unit. Is a graft a follicular unit or a hair? Would 350 grafts producing an average of 2.2 hairs each create approximately 770 (2.2fu x 350) hairs for density? Its a bit confusing. Especially when you're paying per graft. Also, the variable seems to be the amount of grafts that actually produce hairs after transplantation. The next thing is "hair loss." This site indicates that it takes 50% of hair loss before any thinning is noticed. If 50% is ment as hairs, how many folicles does that represent at an average of 2.2 hairs per folicle? The skill of the dototr seems to be the greatest variable and apparently why reputation is so important. You can pick a great doctor with an artist eye for placement, but is a complete butcher at harvesting. Therefore destroying grafts before there ever planted. All the while charging you per graft. This is a tuff decision. I have no noticable hair loss, but an obvious asymmetrical abnormality and have to choose between a hair transplant or surgical hairline advancement. The surgical advancement has its own set of risks and possible side effects--shock loss-- that also concern me.

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  • Senior Member

Hi Mike,

If you go to the results posted by clinics section and look for any cases posted by SMG, you will see pictures of the graft break down which may help to clarify things for you. My understanding is that a graft is a follicular unit and can contain from 1 to 4 hairs.

5700 FUE in 3 procedures with Dr. Bisanga


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  • Senior Member

You seem to already know the score. A graft is a follicular unit which might contain a single hair or a grouping of 2, 3 or 4.


So you would end up with a number of hairs which is higher than the graft number. That's assuming that you don't get only single hair grafts. If you're choosing to have FUE for the hairline then it's possible, in theory, that the surgeon would only choose single hair grafts.


If a surgeon has developed a reputation for artistic placement of grafts then they must also be good at harvesting the grafts, or else their results wouldn't grow and they wouldn't have a good reputation. :)

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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