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** advice needed ***

Tom HairLoss

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I need advice since I am inclining to do HT.

1) Is there negative side effect of HT?

2) Is there such thing as "Success Rate" for HT doctors? If so, what's considered as 'success'?

3) How long HT can hold its results? In other words, is the hair going to be there for long time? (1 yr, 5 yrs, 10yrs, etc...)

4) Is there an objective ranking of HT doctors?

5) I had initial consultation w Medical Hair Restoration. Are there many have experience with them in general, good or bad? Or Specifically, regarding doctor Robert Niedbalski? (San Francisco/Seattle)


Thanks a lot.


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I need advice since I am inclining to do HT.

1) Is there negative side effect of HT?

2) Is there such thing as "Success Rate" for HT doctors? If so, what's considered as 'success'?

3) How long HT can hold its results? In other words, is the hair going to be there for long time? (1 yr, 5 yrs, 10yrs, etc...)

4) Is there an objective ranking of HT doctors?

5) I had initial consultation w Medical Hair Restoration. Are there many have experience with them in general, good or bad? Or Specifically, regarding doctor Robert Niedbalski? (San Francisco/Seattle)


Thanks a lot.


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  • Senior Member

Tom Hairloss,


1) You need to read up on such issues as shockloss and other forum members' stories. I advise that you look in the Hair Restoration Experiences section of the forum to see what other hair loss sufferers have encountered pre and post-op.


2) An 85% + growth rate is what I, personally, would consider successful. Anyone else want to chime in on their opinions?


3) A successful hair transplant procedure is permanent, more or less. The hairs that are transplant are genetically predisposed to resist the attack from DHT.


4) There are plenty of great physicians and plenty of excellent physicians. Listen to the feedback from past patients. Look at their results. Consult with physicians that you are interested in. A great place to find 20+ hair transplant physicians that are selected on their merits and results is here.


5) I have had no personal experience with this physician.



For some great FAQ's on hair transplant procedures go here.


For more information on the actual procedure go here. Be sure to check out all the links on the left side of the page as well.


Finally, if you are curious about how many grafts you may need, check out our Graft Calculator. Just click the link located under the pictures.


I hope this helps clear up some of your questions. After all this, my best advise is to dig in and learn as much as you can so you can make an educated decision that you will be happy with.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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  • Senior Member

Hi Tom Hairloss,


You have some good questions. I thought to add a comment regarding what is success. Providing the yield was successful, the basis of success can be related to each patient's own individual goals.


If you are happy with the aesthetic result then I would conclude that it was successful. You probably are already aware of the fact that hair restoration produces an illusion that can in fact enhance one's appearance. So if your goal was to produce a certain "look" and it was achieved, the result is success.


You really, really want to do extensive research on the big chain organizations, especially regarding patient experiences. Best wishes to you!


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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