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No blood work before taking FIN???


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My doctor clearly stated today that there is nothing specific to look for in the body, and that there won't be a difference in 3 months for a follow up. I even asked him about testosterone and estrogen levels and he brushed it off. This seems unacceptable, and I think most family doctors would say the same. In face I went to 2 different doctors and they said the same thing in regards to a follow up.


This makes me more nervous about beginning my regimen, incase I do suffer serious side affects.


Also, the hair restoration clinic in my area does not provide blood work, and is not a very credible clinic anyway. Not sure I'm willing to drive to Toronto or fly to Rahal in Ottawa to be evaluated just for Finasteride.


Please share your experiences, did you all have blood work done before taking Fin?


I asked the doctor to just run more tests than I usually have done when I get a physical, hopefully it's enough.



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