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Roughly how many men are on Propecia/Fin for hairloss?


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  • Regular Member

I'd like to know so I can weigh the side effects a bit more.

When I took Strattera for mild ADD, my penis in fact shrunk when on it about an inch. I could not have sex with a fully erect penis what so ever, when stopping everything went back to normal a few days later. This affects about 9% of the men on that drug. Being very sensitive to drugs I am worried about the effects of FIN.



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  • Senior Member

I'd hazard a guess the majority of men on these forums are on propecia. There are millions of men worldwide on the drug and the reported 2% of men that report side effects is probably about right, give or take.


Side effects should cease after taking propecia if you find they are intolerable. Some men also report their side effects diminish after a few weeks/months on the drug.


There is a very tiny minority of men who claim to have persistent side effects after discontinuing the drug but this is not scientifically supported. In short, you will read stories of men who claim propecia is still causing problems weeks, months or even years after stopping it but there is no accurate, verifiable report of this really happening in the peer reviewed scientific literature. It would probably be the case that most men suffering sexual dysfunction during and/or after taking the drug are experiencing other problems such as stress or other physiological issues.


I took propecia in two stints, for about 3 months and about 8 weeks respectively. I had moderate side effects both times, which caused me to stop taking the drug, but they resolved pretty soon after I discontinued.


I'd go to a GP or hair restoration doctor and get a prescription (with their consent of course) and give it a go. If you do notice any problems talk it through with your doctor or, if you are worried, discontinue the drug. I would hazard a guess that the legend surrounding finasteride is far more of a problem than the finasteride itself. If you do find it intolerable, stop taking it and you should find yourself back to where you were within a week or so.

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