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almost at the 4 month mark

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greetings all. i'm approaching the 4 month anniversary of the big 1500 graft bonanza. so far everything's looking good. i had the temples filled in and am maintaining everything else with rogaine and avodart (every other day). i was initially extremely apprehensive about the whole thing and almost cancelled my procedure several times. i'm glad i stuck with it though. here at the 4 month mark things are really starting to take form. it's a very difficult thing to wait for but well worth it in the end. i wish i had some before pictures to share so you could see the progress but they have disappeared on me. anyway, i just remember reading entries like this back when i was considering whether to take the plunge, and thought it might be of interest to people. feel free to contact me with any questions. i'll gladly be willing to share my experiences/advice with you. good luck with everything.

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greetings all. i'm approaching the 4 month anniversary of the big 1500 graft bonanza. so far everything's looking good. i had the temples filled in and am maintaining everything else with rogaine and avodart (every other day). i was initially extremely apprehensive about the whole thing and almost cancelled my procedure several times. i'm glad i stuck with it though. here at the 4 month mark things are really starting to take form. it's a very difficult thing to wait for but well worth it in the end. i wish i had some before pictures to share so you could see the progress but they have disappeared on me. anyway, i just remember reading entries like this back when i was considering whether to take the plunge, and thought it might be of interest to people. feel free to contact me with any questions. i'll gladly be willing to share my experiences/advice with you. good luck with everything.

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  • Senior Member


great to hear you are doing well!!

I know about the lack of forsight in before pictures.. Who get's excited about posting the past?!


How about some recent pics.?


And who did your work?


Glad to hear you are happy with your early journey!


Best Of Luck!

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