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What is the "FOX TEST"?

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  • Senior Member

as far as i know the "FOX Test" is exclusive to NHI only.


They seem to have a trouble with some of their candidates for FUE/FOX procedure and have to do a "Dermal Depth Analysis", where as all other doctors dont have this problem.


I didnt know Dr Cooley performed FUE, but its good to know that more doctors are adding it as an available option to their customers.


I wouldnt worry about any FOX Tests, and Good Luck with your procedure. Let us know how it goes!


Also, grafts into the scar can defenitely break it up a bit, especially if its relatively thin. how wide/long is your scar?


Id say try 200 grafts then give it a few months, then try another 200 grafts 9 months from now.. give it time to grow in before trying another round.


Grafting into scars is a very slow growth process, and yield is rarely 100%.

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  • Senior Member

the worried man.....


Wow....I had no idea Dr. Cooley was doing FUE either. I had a strip HT with him late March of last year. I'm still in the growth period, and so far so good. I had already decided that whenever I do decide to do another HT, that it would be an FUE/FIT procedure and realized it limited my choices. It's great to hear he's adding that procedure to his practice. Good luck, and let me know if you have any questions about my experience there.

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Dr. Cooley only does fue for certain situations. (like breaking up a scar or some minor hairline work) For large areas he only does strip. My scar is on the side above my ear. It is 6 inches long but only about 1/8 " wide. It is however very noticeable as I clip my hair with a #2 buzzer. Do you guys know if 2 and 3 hair micro grafts can be lasered out to make just one? If they are all taken out (via electrolosis or otherwise) would they scar? Had 400 micrografts with Bosley last year in the temporal areas. (MISTAKE!) Severely concerned with the future as Hair loss progresses. Just started taking propecia last week. Do you think 1, 2, and 3 hair grafts will look horrible when exposed? Doesn't look bad now but still have decent head of natural hair. Any options?

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