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Does Aminexil work?


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There is very little information around regarding Aminexil. The last I heard, no valid studies have been done to verify its effectiveness and I'm not aware of anyone that has used it.


Personally, I would stick to Rogaine (minoxidil).

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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Ill let you know my results with it, I already started rogaine but I am starting Aminexil tomorrow. Will use it everyday for 6 weeks and then do the same again 6 months later. You use it twice a year. I say it won't hurt to try once, DNS labs was mixing Minox and Aminex together so it might have some benefit to use them together.

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Will use it everyday for 6 weeks and then do the same again 6 months later. You use it twice a year.


Where does it say to only use it twice a year? I have been using it every day for 6 months straight.


The amount they say to put on your hair (6 mg I think) would completely douse my hair. I have been using the same amount as rogaine (1 mg), and it seems to cover everywhere.

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I got the directions on how to use it from L'Oreal who made this drug. That is what they suggest. Also you said that you your doctor friend suggested this to you recently but you have been trying it for 6 months? That is a little confusing. Why ask if it works, if you have been trying it already for 6 months. You should see for yourself if it has benefits. I would like to know if you have seen positive results seeing as how I am going to start it.


The drug comes in vials so you use 1 vial on the entire head. don't know how many mg of the drug are in the vial.

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Studies say people vastly overestimate how good self judges they are. I do not believe any attempt to self judge will be accurate. I haven't looked for or noticed a change from Aminexil. Can you give a link to the L'Oreal instructions that say to use it only every 6 months? I couldn't find it.


The vials they give have 6 mg. You would really have to douse your head to use all 6 mg. So I have been using only 1 mg, the same amount you use for rogaine.

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I don't have a link to the L'Oreal, it says it on the box(I will take a picture and post it on here for you). However I can provide you with a video from L'Oreal that says how to apply it. But believe me, I am not lying to you. It says you use it twice a year for 6-8 weeks each time(it comes with 42 vials). It says to do one treatment during beginning of spring and the other treatment around fall(so first treatment around march till end of april second treatment from september to end of october)




check it out.

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